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tingling/prickling on scalp

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    tingling/prickling on scalp

    I'm started to have a lot of tingling/prickly sensations on my scalp, especially when I first get up and start walking. Still awaiting a dx but am wondering if this symptom would indicate possibly a lesion in brain (weren't any on last MRI) or more likely spine? Just wondered others perspective.

    The central nervous system is arranged with the brain at the top of almost everything. As a result, the effects of a problem are experienced below the site of the problem, never above, with one exception. That exception is the head because, of necessity, it has to be above and around the brain.

    So a lesion in the spinal cord wouldn't cause tingling or other problem in the head/scalp because that's above the spinal cord. If the tingling is from a nerve lesion, it would have to be in a nerve entirely within the head. Some brain lesions are so small that they don't show up on an MRI.

    However, sensory symptoms like tingling also come from chemical/metabolic causes, so it can't be assumed that every symptom is from a nerve lesion. Chemical effects aren't physically confined to a specific location and can be experienced anywhere.


      Thank you so much for the concise and informative answer. It was quite helpful. You sound like a physician or a scientist. What you say makes perfect sense and I appreciate your taking the time to answer me.


        scalp symptoms

        I have pain in my scalp and was told by my neurologist that it can come from the cervical spine lesion that I have (I have brain lesions also).


          Alas, I've also had doctors tell me things that aren't true...


            As usual the mysteries of this disease and the so called "practice" of medicine.

