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Newly diagnosed-Med question

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    Newly diagnosed-Med question

    I have just been diagnoised and now I to pick which medication I want take. Can I get some feedback on experiences you have had with Betaseron, Rebif and Copaxone? I want to hear the good and bad and if you think you made the right choice. Thanks.

    On Copaxone since being diagnosed over 6 1/2 years ago. has it worked for me? Darn right it has. However, individual results do vary.

    I am thankful I chose Copaxone.



      I was diagnosed in Jan. I chose Avonex because it was once a week. The first few were brutal, but it got better. The shot itself didn't hurt, but the side effects were awful (headaches, chills, shakes, MISERY). But I learned to drink lots of water, take Aleve before shot, and take Benadryl after. I would sleep through the worst of it, and I would wake up ready to roll!

      BUT I was still having flares, and I had new lesions, SO my neuro made me swith to Rebif. The shots sting and leave lovely red marks that take about 2 weeks to go away. On the positive side, I have basically zero side effects. I still drink lots of water, and I take Aleve before the shot. Other than a slight headache, I feel good......That said, I hate having to do the shot 3 times per week, and I hate that it hurts!! But so far so flares since I've been on it for 8 weeks....

      As you will learn on here, everyone has a different experiecence. You will have to make a decision on what seems to work best for you. But be flexible and prepared to switch if one doesn't work.
      Diagnosed 1/28/10


        Hi Amanda,

        I first tried Betaseron but had to quit after just a few doses due to side effects. Then I went on Avonex in June 96 and remain on it to this day. I made the right choice as I have remained stable with no attacks since being on it. I did have some side effects early on but they diminished and went away.
        Like others have said, people react differently to the meds so you just have to try one and be prepared to switch if necessary.
        - Roy
        Been taking Avonex since June 96
        For me Interferon therapy is essential in slowing MS down.
        Will continue with the weekly injections and take my disease one day at a time...


          Hi Amanda,
          I forgot to mention my experience with the prefilled syringe. Avonex comes in two forms, the originsl mix-it-yourself powdered form and the prefilled syringe.
          I tried the prefilled syringe when it first came out some years ago. I did get flu-like side effects (mainly fatigue) on the prefilled. So I switched back to the powdered form.
          It does have the same dose of Avonex; not clear why the different in reactions; I know others who also got increased side effects with the prefilled.
          Anyway, just something to keep in mind should you choose Avonex.
          - Roy
          Been taking Avonex since June 96
          For me Interferon therapy is essential in slowing MS down.
          Will continue with the weekly injections and take my disease one day at a time...


            I have been on Copaxone for about weeks now. I was trying to decide between that and Avonex. Ultimately I chose Copaxone because I just could not risk missing work due to side effects. So far so good, of course it is too soon to say if it's working for me. My site reactions so far have, as far as I can tell been relatively mild, a welt and lump right after but it is no longer visible the following day, although I can still feel it. Also the reactions have less been severe when I've done them manually. I guess only time will tell if I made the right choice, but so far I'm feeling good about it. Good luck with your decision.


              I have been on Copaxone since May.,...I chose it because I absolutely did not want the flu like symptoms and depression. The daily shot is easy for me and the site reactions are nothing to worry about. For me they are gone the next day.

              The support I have received from Shared Solutions that provides Copaxone support has been pretty awesome.

              I read alot before I chose..I hope you do too. Don't depend on anyone else's experiences. Know why you choose the drug you do. Everyone's MS is different as is everyone's reaction to the drugs.

              Diagnosed with MS spring 2010; Still loving life


                Thank you so much for your input.


                  I've been on Beta for almost a year. The first three weeks were not fun and I've now got more fatigue but I'm glad I toughed it out. My last MRI was so good that people are lining up to take credit for it.


                    Hmmmm...somehow I missed the 6 part of the 6 weeks in my previous post! So I have been on Copaxone for about 6 weeks


                      I'm on my 8th week of Rebif. It's going very well. The first few shots I had some side effects like chills, aches, headache, tired.......ya know, flu-like symtoms. I also ended up having some not-so-common side effects. Basically, I felt like I was having a flare; numbness, balance & walking problems, than kind of thing.
                      Since then, however I've been doing really well. I am tired the day after & still have a slight headache, but nothing worth complaining about. One thing my doc had me do was to increase from the 8.8mcg to the 22 mcg SLOWLY. I didn't just jump from one dose to the higher one. I'm still on the 22mcg. I may or may not increase all the way to the 44mcg. We'll see what my doc says when I see her in a few weeks. I'm glad that I chose Rebif.


                        3 meds

                        Hi -
                        I was diagnosed in Jan 2001. I started Avonex then and was on it for 4 years before having my first baby. I had flu sx almost every week. Chills, fever, body aches, headaches. Felt so good after I stopped it. After the first baby, I started Copaxone. Tolerated it very well. Some site reactions lasting a few days, itchy and red. On for 2 years until my second baby. Started again a few months after he was born until this past spring when I had 2 cervical cord lesions in 4 months. They wanted me to change back to interferon. Started Rebif. Not nearly as bad as Avonex. I am on the full 44 mcg dose and I have definitely had some of the body aches and headaches. Only one night, so far, I have had fever and chills. I hope it keeps getting better.

                        That's my story.
                        Dx: 2001
                        Currently on Tysabri since Dec 2010
                        Feel lucky to be doing so well!



                          Hi Amanda,
                          I was just diagnosed June 11, 2010. I did receive my diagnosis within a month which was reallly for some it takes much longer. I'm taking Beta because my neuro recommended it. I have done alot of reading but I really was in a bit of shock when I received diagnosis....I just wasn't expecting that...I thought maybe slipped disc or pinched feet and legs are numb up to my waist. I do have burning feet though...there's a I'm hoping and praying that this drug works for me. Just educate yourself and just do what u think is right. I'm so new to all this and really have no clue. Good luck and please let us know how your doing!!! Take care!

