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Anyone else have sx while preggo?

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    Anyone else have sx while preggo?

    I'm about 12 weeks along and two days ago I started washing my face in the morning and had the realization that my bottom left side of my lip and chin are numb. Then when trying to put on make-up, I realized that not only that, but the left bottom part of my cheek and swooping up to my left ear is also numb. Eating made me realize the left part of my tongue is numb too.

    Then today I've had what feels like is braxton hicks contractions for over five hours. No spotting or bleeding or anything, so that's a good sign (right?!?!)

    My ob/gyn just put off the braxton hicks like they were an ms thing, not related to the pregnancy. I have a three year old son and had braxton hicks just about all the time the last two months, but never this early. I know what a braxton hicks feels like. This doesn't feel like an ms hug or anything else.

    I called my neurologist to see if there is anything I can do as far as the numb face stuff. I figure there is not. My first pregnancy I wouldn't even take a tylenol or an allergy sinus pill, and this time I'm no different. My neuro wasn't in so they took a message.

    I'm not freaking out about the facial numbness like I was yesterday. The way I noticed it bit by bit, it seemed like it was spreading fast, like I was about to lose all feeling in my face and maybe have it go down to my left arm and/or leg. I'm very grateful it didn't, and it's numb in such a way that it doesn't interfere with talking or eating. It's just a weird sensation is all.

    I just thought I wasn't supposed to have any sx or relapsing while pregnant so I'm a bit confused.

    Thank you for listening/reading.


    Originally posted by lizzzphoto View Post
    I just thought I wasn't supposed to have any sx or relapsing while pregnant so I'm a bit confused.
    Being pregnant does not protect you from relapses. You can have a relapse or symptoms anytime, even during pregnancy. There have been several members here at MSWorld who have dealt with a relapse during pregnancy.

    When I became pregnant my neuro even told me I could have a relapse during pregnancy or post-partum.
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      I'm 19 weeks preggo and wheelchair bound lastweek i had a mild relapse due to a bad uti and dehydration. Even though i have iv steroids once a month to try and prevent the relapses while i'm pregnant it still happened. so i had to be on the steroids for 2 extra days which helped a little. Not all pregnant women with MS have a relapse free pregnancy. I can feel when i am about to have a relapse so i always catch it before it gets too bad.
      "only the strong survive"

      "God don't make mistakes"


        I actually had my first real relapse and got my diagnosis during my first pregnancy. I thought you were more protected while preg but I guess that's not always the case.

        Dx 7/07
        Avonex- 5/09



          I have more symptoms when pregnant than not...all sensory and they go away with the birth.



            I was also dx when I was pregnant with my first, but symptoms went away just before giving birth. I also had that numb feeling in my face and head (left side). Yes I did have sx before dx and with my second but felt too uncomfortable towards the end. But I didn't have any relapses while pregnant.


              My sx are worse pregnant and I have some new ones(an itch on 2 specific places on my arm that comes and goes, its always the exact same place, and its like its under a layer of skin I cant get to! I've bruised myself and broken capillaries trying to scratch!)and the opposite side of my face that is usually the numb side has been going numb on and off. My legs twitch at night when I am really tired...a lot more than they used to. My fatigue level is very high, but I don't know if that is MS, pregnancy(I'm 2nd trimester so it shouldn't be??) or a combo of both....<<sigh>> I hope this doesn't mean I am in for it after the baby is born.


                I'm so glad this thread was started because I am 4 months pregnant with my first child and I'm completely numb on the left side....face, ear, mouth, arm, hand, leg, and foot. I'm at the point where I'm scared to walk (especially stairs) because I feel like my legs are going to give out. I, too, thought I'd have an MS-free 9 months.
                Because I'm so worried and on edge about this, I have developed high blood pressure (never had that in my life....always beebread 110/ I'm 150/90) I see my OB today for a BP check.....i've called my nuero and she said no steroids yet because she wants to see how long this sticks around. Even though she assured me steroids are safe, I refuse to take them while pregnant. I get REALLY bad side effects and can't deal with them on top of pregnancy ones.
                So it's a waiting game for me. I've not been able to go to work for a week now....I'm blowing all of my vacation time and am just down in the dumps.
                Any help or words of wisdom out there for us?
                Thanks for starting this thread hun.
                29 yrs old
                Diagnosed with MS in 2006


                  I don't know why it's been said that pregnant women should expect to be sx free. Bottom line is everyone's ms course is different. When I was pregnant I had ON from about a week after conception to right after I delivered...9 months. I don't think it's unusual for a woman to have sx while pregnant. It's been said and printed so it's unfortunate that women expect to be sx free when they get pregnant, and when they are not, they freak out. Doctors need to continue to embrace the fact that there is a lot that they still don't know about this disease.
                  No weapon formed against ME shall prosper
                  Isaiah 54:17


                    Totally agree Pnut.
                    29 yrs old
                    Diagnosed with MS in 2006

