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Tax credits for house cleaning?

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    Tax credits for house cleaning?

    I HATE for other people to clean my house for lots of reasons, so off and on I've tried to clean it myself. Then, I'll make myself sick and realize I CAN'T do it! Does anyone know why we with MS cannot deduct our expenses for having our houses cleaned? Or, is there anyone out there who has been able to deduct that from their taxes and if so how? Thanks.

    Very good question

    Not sure it is deductable unless it is part of your over all coverage that many have for daily home care help.

    I know that while my kid sister had home care help, they cleaned her home once a week and it was covered under her dh's health insurance coverage.

    I know that deductions for medical expenses are really hard to qualify for. There is a very complicated spreedsheet you have to do to see if you qualify for, and the deduction % changes year to year.

    Maybe there is a tax expert among us who can tell us what the new tax laws are.

