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I quit smoking and it was oddly easy...

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    I quit smoking and it was oddly easy...

    On June 19th I received my e-cigs in the mail that I had ordered. I immediatly quit real cigarettes and smoked the e-cigs for two weeks. Then I just decided to quit all together.

    What has been extremely odd is....I do not have "cravings", and I have to say that this is the easiest hurdle I've ever jumped. I don't understand it at all, as I've tried to quit in the past. I was a pack a day smoker for 15 years. It is almost as if a switch flipped off in my brain. Occasionally I will look up at work and see it is three o'clock in the afternoon and think "hmm, I should go have a cig"..but then I remember that I don't smoke anymore and that's all there is to it. No intense cravings, no bad moods, yes some weight gain even though I've been VERY careful not to overeat, but overall none of the hurdles that I've had in the past.

    I think what has helped make this so easy is that I had the e-cigs when i quit smoking the real thing. And when I decided to quit the e-cigs I told myself that if I had a horrible craving that I could not conquer I could have a puff off the e-cig and not EVER have a real cig again. Just knowing I have that "out" has squashed any need or want to smoke anything at all.

    I'm sharing this story so that maybe it can help someone else quit smoking if they are ready. One thing I have learned is that you have to be mentally ready. So good luck to all who are on the same path.

    way to go!!! tingles70

    I kind of know what you are talking about. I quit 4 years ago after I started to study the bible and really take my health more seriously.

    In the past few months my husband started back and like a fool I did too. Why I have no clue. Since my latest flare started I noticed that the desire is not what it used to be. I don't even think about them when my husband is not home.

    I am still falling victim to the occasional puff if my husband lights up one. But reading your experience reminded me of how good if feels to say I have quit. I'm setting a new stop date and I told my husband he can do what he wants just not in front of me.

    Keep up the fight.
    "Therefore we do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day." 2 Cor. 4:16


      I'm still enjoying my e-cigs in the evenings, I don't really use them that much during the day. Have not have a "real" cig in 7 months. Easiest quit ever.

      If I had to give up the e-cig, it would be OK, I just happen to enjoy it. I'm very orally fixated. Heck, I sucked my thumb until I was 12.


        I been seriously thinking about the E-cigs, and I think now you guys have made my mind up to try them..

        Quesiton. How do you know when your done smoking one?


          I have no clue what e-cigs are... and I don't smoke but I just wanted to say.... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!


            Hi , i quit in 1994 Cold Turkey, wife and i both did. after 1 day i swore i will never do this again !!



              I just ordered the e-cigs. I did it because of your post. I have tried several times to quit. I am so pumped up to try this. And it was cheaper than buying 2 packs of cigs. I ordered from directecig. Is that where you got yours. I went on to a health research site and they stated this company was the best with no hidden fees.
              I am so hoping. I have smoked for over 40 years. And because of the pain and muscle spasms, I have been smoking almost a pack a day. I use to smoke way less.


                I quit smoking by taking chantix. this disease has me trying to do everything I can to relieve neurological stress and craving is the neurological system focused on the nicotine.....congrats!!!!


                  There are probably about 100 reputable suppliers of e-cigs to chose from. The one vendor I started with I didn't stay with, I switched over to Vapor 4 Life out of Chicago.

                  I am not familiar with your vendor, but I sure do with you all the best. E-cigs are not marketed to quit smoking, they are an alternative. I didn't expect to quit, but I did the very first day I received my starter kit from Vapor 4 Life.

                  The e-cig equipment doesn't last forever, batteries decline over time, so switching vendors down the road is easy if you want.

                  I know e-cigs are controversial, but nicotine replacement often works, and the benefit of e-cigs is obvious. You are not ingesting hundreds of additives and the tar of traditional cigs. I have reduced my nicotine to a very low level. The smoke is water vapor. I've done my research and am confident in my decision to do this.

                  My dh never would have quit without e-cigs. I have quit with patches and cold turkey, but always went back, even after successfully quiting for several years. This alternative is my answer.


                    Thanks for all your replies!!

                    The e cigs I used were called "The Safe Cig". I am still totally off regular cigs and ecigs. Weird! Absolutely no cravings or urge to smoke...even when my Honey irritates me!! LOL

                    The biggest thing I have noticed since I quit is acid reflux. I have done alot of research on it and it seems that after quitting smoking "some people" (I'm one of the lucky ones) can develop acid reflux. It can last anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months. Hmmm! Well, I guess after years and years of smoking a pack a day the body is going to go through one hell of an adjustment. That I can handle knowing that I can take a really deep breath and not cough. Nor do I cough in the morning, or during the night, or when I excersize.......yay!!

                    I know the e cigs are somewhat controversial, not really sure why, but I guess the tobacco industry is a multi billion dollar industry...enough said! All I know is that it was a "cake walk" to quit smoking using them.

                    Good luck to ALL OF YOU who are on the road to quitting. I really do feel MUCH better....AND....I get so much more stuff done in my I never realized how much time I took to just "sit and have a smoke".


                      I have learned to never assume you're finished smoking....

                      After 12 years a smoker, I quit cold (11 years!), picked one up and smoked for 4 years !!!

                      Now off for 11 more and very cautious even though I have
                      no desire. Stay off 'em & Congrats!



                        I hate that I ever smoked b/c who know's? maybe it caused the ms to kick off. i dont want to debate that here, tho, b/c i am not really comfortable sayin that. smoking sucks and i am mad cuz i want 2 smoke and i can't, I started at 15 and just quit for a month now; iam 40 in oct.


                          This September, I will have been smoke free for two years. I quit cold turkey and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Knowing now that I have MS, I am even more glad of my decision to quit after 14 years.

