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my arm is numb and my neuro never called!

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    my arm is numb and my neuro never called!

    I'm mad. I called my neuro at 10 am cause my left arm is numb from the elbow to the wrist. My fingers work but honestly this is so weird. It feels like my brain is not recognizing my arm is there.

    This is the FIRST time that this has happened to me. And his secretary took a message and said he'd call. I called in the afternoon and she said he made his return calls between 4:30 and 5:30. He didn't call me.

    I'm mad and I have no clue what to do about my arm. Do I just wait and see if the feeling comes back? Even if he can't do anything about it he could have called.


    Numbness is a sensory symptom, it can remit on it's own. There is not much that can be done other than steroids and sometimes steroids are not helpful for numbness.

    Call your doctor again in the morning.
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      I've been there, waiting for the phone call that doesn't come, very frustrating! I agree to call in the a.m. again.


        he called. 2 days later

        I'm so confused. Neuro told me to go to the Emergency Room to get admitted and that he'd call ahead for me. Pretty much, "you're numb? it's a flare. Go to the Emergency Room. You'll be there 4 days." No explanation. Just go.

        I went. He said he'd call and tell them to expect me since he was admitting me. I sat there for hours and hours. Noone saw me. When I registered I asked them if he had called. They said they'd check but never got back to me. After 2 hours when I asked, they told me to just sit and wait. Someone would call me. When they did call me I sat for another hour and never saw the dr. Just got to sit and wait. My sister came and took me home. This was NOT a crowded emergency room. There were lots of people standing around and empty beds in there.

        It's a hospital I've never been to before and I understand that there are people who have issues that are life threatening but some answers would have been nice. I tried calling the neuro and left a message but he never got back to me either. After 7 hours my sister came and got me and I left. I left the neuro another message saying I went home.

        So - now I'm slurring my speech. My left arm is tingling and numb alternately and I'm walking around like I'm drunk. NOT my best day. And now I'm whining. I'm going to sleep. I think I will probably be not so cranky if I get some sleep.


          I'm sorry, Krysalus. It sounds like you need a neuro who is more involved and reachable.

          Could you be having a relapse? Very possible. The reason for sending you to the ER would be for steroids but many people with MS do IVSM at home rather than spending 4 days in the hospital.

          Hope getting some sleep helps.
          Diagnosed 1984
          “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


            WOW so sorry you are going through this HUGS.

            Now..did your neuro know for SURE you were going to the ER to be admitted? Or..did he just propose that as an option? AND you had to decide? Then it sounds like they were paging him to complete his orders for the admission and he never called back? Was he the after hours neuro?
            Gee..sounds so inefficient. Taught me to ask EACH and ever doc I meet, How do I reach you if I am having a problem? Their nurses are great too at helping out..during hours but not after.

            When I went through this.. I was lucky. Not only was he checking on me and my symptoms during the day, he gave ME the option to go in. He wanted me to through the ER to make sure it was not an infection first or he would've just called admissions with the orders.

            Have a nice respectful but firm talk with this doc..geez.

            Let us know how its going ok hon?

            I believe in miracles~!
            2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
            Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


              Hello Krysalus

              I surely hope you are feeling better Dear

              I don't want to alarm you, but, those sx are also sx of a stroke!

              If you are OK now than that is good,

              but if not, get back to the hospital and tell them you think you are having a stroke, or better still call the rescue, you won't wait around then. When you are transported by rescue, you are seen pretty quick. With a numb arm and slurred speech you have 2 of the sx of a stroke right off the bat.

              My kid brother had a stroke and was seen fast enough that there wasn't any debilitating results, but he does need a cane.

              Please let us know how you are doing Dear


                good morning.

                Thankfully it's not a stroke. Was the first reason for my panic I think. I did call my regular dr and he got another neuro to call me. Thank God! I was feeling quite abandoned. How can a doc tell you to go to the ER and then never speak to you again?

                So - the new neuro will see me tomorrow morning. She spent a good half hour on the phone with me after speaking with my regular dr. She went through all my symptoms and wanted to go to the ER and meet me but I just couldn't face going back there.

                I'm not as numb but i'm still woozy. My eye is twitching and my fingers are missing the keys. Typing is becoming an adventure! And my regular dr called me at 9. On a Sunday! Maybe I can talk him into becoming a neurologist.... hmmmm I feel better. Thank you all. I was sooooo scared


                  Hi again Krysalus, glad you found out its NOT a stroke..that must be a relief for you.

                  When you were in the ER, did ANYone do a neuro exam?
                  Otherwise they must have known this doc thought it was a MS exacerbation and NOT a life and death emergency. Still. informing YOU would've been really nice. I sat in an ER for HOURS, knowing I was truly not an emergency but awaiting admission for a MS exacerbation. Yes felt it was a waste of time vs going through the admission process. But again,it was after hours.

                  Remember.. ER's are to triage what is a life or death situation..find out if you need to be admitted and to get one out of there if its not an emergency. Its a TRIAGE..they work on those who are in emergencies.
                  So..the doc on the phone must have decided you were not having a stroke hearing your voice and listening to your symptoms. But still.. hmmm...

                  AS you get used to this MS disease, you'll just know when to call, when to to ER and when NOT to. It takes working with you body..but..not everything IS MS so its good to know for sure.

                  I stopped going to ERs as there isn't much they can do. It not like you just take a pill..and.. they are NOT NEUROs. So they need direction and orders from a neuro.

                  Again, make sure its not your neck too..and a cervical MRI would tell them that.

                  There also was a rule of thumb that said the new MS symptoms should last at least a day or so before you contact your neuro..unless of course its paralysis. Others may add to that.

                  Glad you had a good conversation with a caring Neuro. I tend to choose women docs..because in my experience they will be a lot more comforting and empathtic. I have had good Male docs too..but its not the same for some reason for me.

                  Let us know how you are doing again ok hon?

                  Warmly, Jan
                  I believe in miracles~!
                  2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
                  Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


                    You sure have been thru an ordeal! I would have felt abandoned too, so sorry you had to go thru this at the ER. Very glad you weren't having a stroke!

                    Many of us have had IV steroid treatment at home or an infusion centers outpatient. Maybe this will be an option for you if this is the treatment the doc suggests. I hope you can get some good care tomorrow. Let us know what happens!

