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POEM 18 "MonSter"

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    POEM 18 "MonSter"

    Like a thief in the night
    Robbing you of flexibility, balance,
    Strength and sometimes sight
    Your dexterity, mobility
    Even sensations of touch
    Spasticity in your extremities
    Bowel issues and such
    Then you have days
    Where the challenge is just to talk
    Fighting off slurring and babbling
    Then one day you’re too weak to walk
    Thus confined to a chair
    Or forced to use a walker or cane
    Knowing all too well
    Your life will never be the same
    Then your memory starts to slip
    See how I forgot to mention
    It can be long or short term
    Both in recall and retention
    All this can be frustrating
    Causing an emotional overload
    From one extreme to the other
    As though your head will explode
    An ever tightening load of pressure
    Squeezed by an invisible snake
    Our “MS Hug” constrictor
    Gives us all we can take
    Tons of medications
    To be consumed each day
    Some thru injections or IV’s
    For symptoms that won’t go away
    These are just a few
    Of our struggles and strife
    We have Multiple Sclerosis
    Welcome to a day in our life
    We ask not of your pity
    Just an occasional hand,
    Applause and hugs when needed
    And sometimes a lift to stand
    I hope in some way
    This poem is a key
    To a better understanding
    Of this disease within me

    Ken Schuler Dx 2008 PPMS


    This. Is. Awesome. :


      KUDOS Shopchief!!!!
      Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


        Originally posted by Shopchief1470 View Post
        Like a thief in the night
        Robbing you of flexibility, balance,
        Strength and sometimes sight
        Your dexterity, mobility
        Even sensations of touch
        Spasticity in your extremities
        Bowel issues and such
        Then you have days
        Where the challenge is just to talk
        Fighting off slurring and babbling
        Then one day you’re too weak to walk
        Thus confined to a chair
        Or forced to use a walker or cane
        Knowing all too well
        Your life will never be the same
        Then your memory starts to slip
        See how I forgot to mention
        It can be long or short term
        Both in recall and retention
        All this can be frustrating
        Causing an emotional overload
        From one extreme to the other
        As though your head will explode
        An ever tightening load of pressure
        Squeezed by an invisible snake
        Our “MS Hug” constrictor
        Gives us all we can take
        Tons of medications
        To be consumed each day
        Some thru injections or IV’s
        For symptoms that won’t go away
        These are just a few
        Of our struggles and strife
        We have Multiple Sclerosis
        Welcome to a day in our life
        We ask not of your pity
        Just an occasional hand,
        Applause and hugs when needed
        And sometimes a lift to stand
        I hope in some way
        This poem is a key
        To a better understanding
        Of this disease within me

        Ken Schuler Dx 2008 PPMS
        God Bless that was well said wow indeed !!!!!!!!


          Ken, you've described MS perfectly!! I think I will print that off and keep several copies to give to "others" that don't seem to quite "get it"!

          Great job again!


            tHANK YOU kEN

            Originally posted by CasinoKathy View Post
            Ken, you've described MS perfectly!! I think I will print that off and keep several copies to give to "others" that don't seem to quite "get it"!

            Great job again!

            Ditto what Kathy said


              Thank you That was perfect!
              Keep writing!


                Hello shopchief,

                I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. You have written about our MonSter wonderfully.

                Thank you
                God Bless Us All

