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Just had to get it out....

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    Just had to get it out....

    Hello All,
    About two in a half months ago my neuro took me off my BetaSeron due to several blood tests showing high liver enezmes. I was referred to a GI specialists who is in the middle of several different tests but mostly lots of bloodwork.
    Anyway, during that time I have felt great! The only thing that I have been on is 75 mg of Lyrica twice a day. I even eased up on my water therapy and accupuncutre. I considered talking to my neuro about not going back on the shots.
    Now however it is all coming back. Most are old symptoms but am also experincing some new ones. I also have had a headache that will not go away with anything I do or take. (Headaches for me generally mean a flair). I am not due to see my neuro until the end of August but I do have a call in to her.
    I am not too sure what I am looking for as far as responses, I am tired and frustrated. Any ideas or similiar experiences feel free to share
    Thanks to everyone.


    I understand how you feel! I have been struggling with the issue on whether I want to continue DMD or get off. My numbness is severe in hands and upper extremities and I stay tired all the time and then when I take my shot I sometimes ache to point can't stand myself. But then I think if I didn't take the meds what kind of shape would I be in. Would I still be mobile or not. I just have to be patient and let God lead the way! Know that you are not alone I'm sure there are others out there that feel the same as we do!


      Sorry you are flaring......sure sounds very liberating to go off the shots and feel so good.

      I like to take ten days oral prednisone for mild flares, I do this about 2 or 3 times a year and it works well for me.

      As for the Beta, I guess I'd think about other treatment options which I'm sure the neuro will discuss with you in August.

      Feel better soon!

