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    I've been on Ampyra for about 3 months now and although I think it helps somewhat with the walking, I also think it's causing more neuropathy in my feet. The doctor told me to increase the dosage of the Amytriptyline I'm taking from 10mg. to 20 mg. at night.

    I'm wondering if anyone takes Amitriptyline for neuropathy, and what it does to you. I'm worried about weight gain and tiredness.

    Hi Kippy, sorry I can't answer your question, but I have a question--is the Amitriptyline that you use for neuropathy in your feet, to do with balance issues?

    I've been on Ampyra since July 1, not long I know, but have had great improvement in the strength of my weak leg and my left foot lifts up alot better.Also can move and bend this leg so much more. I just can't believe the difference already. Now I have to pay more attention to my balance and see if that has improved also. I really don't think so yet, as I seem to "totter" about a bit.

    Good luck with the Ampyra and hope you can answer my question somewhat. Thanks, Kathy


      I take Amitryptoline for dizzyness and prevent migraines. It hasn't taken the dizzy and migraines away, but it has cut down on them. That's all I know, just thought I would share.
      Chelsea- Diagnosed 11/6/2009- Betaseron 11/09-present


        weight gain

        I took amitryptoline some years ago for nerve pain. It worked wonders and enabled me to sleep. It did cause some weight gain though. Also, I would do things in the night that I didn't remember the next day, like turn off my alarm clock. Then I would wake up two hours after I was supposed to be at work. I loved the vivid dreams. Call me weird.


          Originally posted by Kippy View Post
          I've been on Ampyra for about 3 months now and although I think it helps somewhat with the walking, I also think it's causing more neuropathy in my feet. The doctor told me to increase the dosage of the Amytriptyline I'm taking from 10mg. to 20 mg. at night.

          I'm wondering if anyone takes Amitriptyline for neuropathy, and what it does to you. I'm worried about weight gain and tiredness.
          My dear mother took a combination of Amytriptyline and Clordiazapoxide (Limbitrol) which was for her severe IBD. I am convinced it helped lead to her demise, but i am not familiar with just taking the amytriptyline alone. I'd do some research and also talk to your health care provider.

          You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.


            I was put on amitriptylene 23 years ago for fibro. It was a miracle drug for me.

            I currently take only 10mg at night. I've never heard of it being used for neuropathy. Perhaps your doc wants you to rest better and that is his point rather than to change the neuropathy.

            Actually amitriptylene has been associated with neuropathy. From long term use? I don't know. But it's in the literature.

            I have neuropathy in hands and feet but I doubt the amitriptylene is involved. I believe a spinal lesion and car accident w/whiplash are responsible.

            Anyway, I would ask the doc. Perhaps you misunderstood the reason behind his recommendation for increasing the dosage. Also amitriptylene is an antidepressant so perhaps he is wanting to effect your mood. I'd ask him. (Cuz I'm just guessing.)


              It's supposed to be excellent for Neuro pain. I tried 10mg at night and it gave me nightmares. But I'd like to try it again eventually.


                Amitriptyline for many years

                I've been taking amitriptyline for over 10 years. My dr prescribed it for depression, started with 20 mgs/then 40mg. I've had lot of emotional upsets in life, loss of sons and parents. I sleep better but also take zolpidem (1/2) at bedtime (for insomnia). I've had the same dr for over 15 years.

                MS has been up and down. Lately hospital emergencies with exascerbations, loss of feeling in side, arms, legs loss of use for short period (15 min). Latest MRI showed increase in white brain matter. No change in meds.

                Neurologist said I should not exert myself, take longer rest periods at home, stay out of sun. I don't know why I'm having these attacks; but scary. Thank God I wasn't driving.

                Last year I was walking the track and exercising. Since my stomach surgery Dec 31, 2009, health has taken a turn downward. I have been using wheelchair when pain in legs is severe. Now walking with use of cane.

                I was diagnosed 1991, at age of 39. I have not stopped living, though. We still vacation and have our 2 grandchildren on occasion. We are taking the children away for week in SC. Along for the ride, my wheelchair and meds, ice chest and ice packs, plenty of fruits. In Nov we're cruising with family and friends. At the age of 60 I can say I've ridden a horse. I always loved horses but never thought I would have the courage to ride.

                I encourage you to try your best to go for things you want to do. Every day I have this pain; but I refuse to let it get the best of me. I always keep my legs elevated. That way the heaviness doesn't add to the pain.

                Tell me what helps your leg pain most. Sometimes hyrocodone doesn't work for me, maybe because I wait too long before I take it. Now I'm trying to take it every 8 hrs when pain level is at 5 or higher.

                Thank you for sharing.
                Mother of OneSon

                *** Moderator's note - post broken into paragraphs for easier reading. Many members have difficulty reading large blocks of text. ***


                  Thanks for the replies!

                  CasinoKathy.......I am taking the Amitriptyline for neuropathy in the soles of my feet, not really for balance, although that's not great either. I doubled the Amitrip. last night, as the doctor said, and woke up in the middle of the night. My hand was tingling really badly and my leg was numb. All this went away within minutes. I'll try again tonight and see what happens.

