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Stress Reduction

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    Stress Reduction

    Hi There,

    Recently I have taken the initiative to reduce stress in my life because it greatly affects how I feel every day. Stress seems to affect most people with an illness by greatly increasing their symptoms. I had no idea that I was under a great deal of stress. Embarrassingly, I didn't even really know much about what stress is!

    I thought it would be a great idea if we share with each other the ways we have come up with to reduce stress in our home life/work/school/community. And I sincerely hope we can keep this going.

    I hope the most that it will help to motivate each of us to take steps in stress reduction. There are things out there that some people might have never thought of as a way to reduce stress. This is a time we can share and help each other.

    I'll start with the ways I have been learning to help me cope with my illness that has reduced stress in my life tremendously:

    1. Sitting down, writing down, dividing household chores and life's responsibilities with my husband.

    2. Starting counseling. Now this is something I was always against and did NOT want to do whatsoever! Well I tell ya, having this now and having someone else to dump on besides my husband has been such a gift. Therapy has served as a distraction, has helped me sort through my feelings about everything and to come up with innovative ideas to better manage my illness.

    3. Bubble baths with candles, the lights out and my favorite soft music playing.

    4. Giving myself a break by taking one day out of the week to just veg out and do absolutely nothing!

    5. Make an attempt to think of what I am grateful for each day and giving thanks to my Creator.

    Now, you....

    Great thread Jamilea. I like all that you listed but I can no longer do baths. Husband doesn't need to try and get me out when I am pure dead weight and wet.

    I pet my dog to relieve stress.

    I drink Earl Grey Decaf.

    I watch a "happy ending" movie.

    I sing in my church choir which is probably the greatest stress reliever.

    I also thank my savior for loving me and walking beside me through everything.
    "...the joy of the Lord is your (my) strength." Nehemiah 8:10


      Wow, that's fantastic Coco! I've heard a cup of herbal something has a very calming effect and aids in ridding of stomach upsets. I have never tried it though but now it will be on my list. I have a dog who loves kisses on her cheek and on top of her head and nose. That calms me as well.


        Good Thread!

        1. I go to Church daily. It is only a few blocks away. I get a chance to express gratitude for being able to rise another day and get a little exercise also.
        2. I can't get a bath any more BUT I got a new showerhead with different setting on it. It helps the pain I get in my back and is soothing on a hot day!
        3. I started quilting for relaxation!
        4. I wear only wash and wear clothing with no buttons, zippers or snaps!
        5. I volunteer a FEW hours a week stuffing papers or inputing on the computer for FREE theraphy!
        6. I still say my biggest stress reliever was moving to this apartment. It is on a first floor with a beautiful view for those days when I am unable to go out!!
        7. I try to walk as much as I can. Most people still think I am drunk or on something but I don't care.
        Most days I am living the life I was given to the best of the ability that I have!
        Most days ..........
        Positive Possibilities


          Daily meditation is a very good stress reducer. There's plenty of research to support this statement.

          There are many types of meditation, suited to different people at different stages in their lives. I practice Zen meditation (zazen) and a form of mindfulness practice specifically designed to reduce stress.

          The key to be faithful about it; meditate every day, no matter how you feel or how busy you are. The health & stress reduction benefits are cumulative.



            Ive try everymorning to read my bible which i think help n meditate . I Listen to soft music .n now im trying to write a book that also helps me because i do like to read. so when i have the enegry i ride the bike n read.


              I garden.

              I quit working when I am tired

              I don't take on more tasks than I can finish.

              I love on ALL the dogs in my kennel......whether they are mine or just guests.

              I pray daily. "His mercies renew every morning."


              **very interesting to see that faith actually came out in this thread about stress reduction..I was wondering about starting something regarding faith and how it effects our daily management of MS.....any takers?
              Diagnosed with MS spring 2010; Still loving life


                stress reduction

                The first thing I did was throw out everything I owned that did not work properly. So - the toaster that only had one side that actually toasted went out. I got one that toasts with both 'holes'. It wasn't a big deal but it was annoying and why deal with annoying?

                If it doesn't fit, donate it. Less to go through in the closet and less annoying to try to wear something that doesn't fit. Bonus: tax deduction for donating and also helps those who don't have as much as I do.

                Take time out EVERYDAY to do something just for you even if it's as simple as a cup of tea. My fav is plain old tetley. No sugar, no milk.

                Turn the ringer off the phone when you don't want to be disturbed... just remember to turn it back on. My mom is elderly and not well but the half hour I give myself is important. No one has yet to complain anyway..

                I also avoid people that cause me stress as much as I can. If I don't have to interact with them, why should I? I KNOW they are going to aggravate me so if I can't deal with that I make myself 'not available to be annoyed'. It doesn't always work but sometimes it does.

                .... did I mention the bubble bath with the candle, glass of zinfandel and a book? it's always wonderful.... unless I drop the book.... lol


                  Part of my stress reduction is to be as organized as I can be. (Which some people think I'm anal about.)

                  I always have a list of things to be done; make grocery list and keep adding to it all week long; write reminders in my planner of when to re-order prescrips, etc.; make detailed lists for packing when we go away, etc.

                  The stress occurs when I don't look at my lists or my planner . . .


                    Thanks for this thread! I am convinced of the mind body connection and try to do what I can to minimize the stressors in my life. Mostly what I have done is taken responsibility for different things in my life. Instead of blaming the weather, ooh it's too hot...I choose to stay inside and be thankful for AC!. Instead of blaming the MS, oh I can't do that going to an amusement park, well I can go to jazz or blues concerts. I have been really good at making excuses in my past, now I am making my happiness. Instead of oh geez....its what can I do about this, let it go? Try again? Ask for help? There is a solution, I just need to open my eyes wider, and be aware of my tunnel vision at times.

                    The other thing that has helped has been to have a routine. Knowing that I am doing something at certain times helps, is very comforting. Daily reading, I guess it would be considered mediation, is incredibly helpful too.
                    I am interested in yoga, deep breathing and tai chi too.
                    Thanks again for such a great thread!
                    with you
                    "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ~~Rumi


                      stress managment

                      I am new to MS World. I have been looking for ways to reduce my stress levels, and glad to have for this message board. I have been trying drinking tea and relaxing but having a hard time dealing with stress at work. Any ideas. When I at home I do find cooking and baking takes my mind off.

                      The baths and meditating do sounds like other good ideas. What are some good meditating techniques? Thanks


                        nice thread


                        For stress relief?

                        Hot Green tea. Bare feet in morning grass. Merlot in a crystal glass... taste better, either out on deck on warm night or by fireside in winter.

                        Buying biscuits to keep in truck for any dogs I come across. Getting to a lake early morning to see mist dissipate as day breaks. Smelling a flower. Steady soft rain at night. Same for snow. (Not a big fan of the shovel, just the blanket of white. Prayer.

                        Setting alarm for very early morning meteor shower... viewed by laying on bedroll in bed of pickup. A long slow stretch. Watching the local high school Friday night games. Cold beer. Home made ice cream.

                        Old movies circa 1940, the golden age & Old music, the great American songbook. Popcorn. Surprise phone calls (getting and giving).

                        I could go on and on. You cannot plan all these things but I always look for the opportunity to put them in play.



                          What a great list !

                          Some of my other favorite stress relievers are reading books (my number one guilty pleasure and addiction); homemade strawberry daiquris; sitting by the firepit; snuggling with my dogs; eating a homecooked meal (the stressful part is planning, shopping and cooking the meal!); going out for a drink (even sodas) with my girlfriends to gab for a few hours; ice cream; homemade popcorn with loads of butter and a good movie . . .


                            Relax and Reduce Stress With Candles

                            Before I started using triple scented non toxic soy candles at night when I am taking a warm bath or trying to wind down from a hard day at work, I had trouble relaxing and needed to calm down without medicine.

                            After I tried this method of relaxing I noticed that I felt so relaxed, and a lot calmer.

                            After 3 years I still look forward to coming home and relaxing without pills.



                              I was recently able to unload the biggest stressor in my life - my unsupportive, emotionally abusive husband. We've been separated since January, and my stress level has gone waaaayyy down!

                              (NOT that I advocate that method for everyone, but in my case, it was the best thing I could have done.)
                              Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
                              Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
                              Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!

