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ms bike race

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    ms bike race

    he guys! i just wanted to say i am doing the ms bike race in ohio. i am riding for everyone! im going to do the 150 and maybe the extra 25 miles. i know im crazy, my team mate has not riden a bike for like 20 years..but, cycling was a favorite of mine i need a little support. this has me very motivated and at the same time im getting in better shape.

    thing that bugs me about it is that there are people that think i can not do it. that just fuels my fire...anyway i will keep this updated. i do have a donation page up on facebook and the buckeye ms chapter. contact me if you might be interest in helping our scattered family.

    Go get em!

    I was thinking about the MS150 in Ohio (Middleburg to Sandusky). I was raised in Berea/ Middleburg and I have family in Sandusky. Then I remembered the hills

    I have been a Florida flatlander for a while now (difficult to pedal in the heat but I manage). I'm thinking I will try the north Florida (St. Augustine to Daytona and Back MS 150) on October second. I have my room reservations and I am getting my sponsors and donations now. My only problem is I keep training myself into sickness (just got out of the hospital again). Seems like just as I get into shape this disease, or complications from it, knock me back down.

    Be safe and Ride on


      Keep the Rubber Side Down


      Good luck on your ride, it's fantastic that you're even doing it, hope you get to ride many more.

      May the wind be at you're back,



        i just bought a felt z6 all carbon fiber frame this thing flys!!! i can't wait.i was going to take a spin today but i worked on a 4 wheeler for 12 hours..i think im takin a nap!!


          well its been awhile so i figured i would update! the ms150 was awsome. the 1st day i got into a little trouble(it was very hot and humid)i ran out of water like 3 miles from the last rest area. i had the worst headache, i was sick to my stomach and my blood pressure was pretty high..i thought i could just tough it out ,but i stopped. everyone that passed was asking if i was ok..well i did not want to admit i was in trouble. a sag came by, dude looked out the windoe and said he was not even going to ask if i needed a ride..he said get in. i did im glad i did. went up to the rest area and drank lotz of water and many hoho's(those are the cure all by the way,lol..) finished the last 10-15 miles and went to hotel room to chill in the tub.. my wife told me if i did not look better in morn she was not going to left me go.. well i woke up the next day and was good. we took off and had a awsome ride. oh yeah i did make an entrance at the 1st rest area..i flipped my bike in a hole infront of 200-300 people..did it with style layed there like it was the cool thing while everyone was laughing..
          good time all in all..can't wait for next year!!




            Congratulations, no mean feat is it? Personally, I think there are a LOT of folks who don't have MS who couldn't do a 150. Ya just got to love it when an MSer gets out there and does it!

            Well Done,

            Badai Mata



              You are more ambitious than I!

              My SO and I rode in the Vermont one. It was my first so we did the middle length rides each day. 39.1 miles on Saturday and 46 miles on Sunday. Sunday was over 1850 feet in elevation over the course of the 46 miles. I have never ridden that much before. I was sure worn out!

              I am going to try for one day next year and do the 75 miles, I think. Not sure yet

