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Avonex newbie question

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    Glad you did well with your first shot! The steroids do minimize any side effects. You may have a different reaction without them, hope you do just as well next time too!


      2nd injection = success!

      Did my 2nd injection today and had similar minor side effects (felt like I had a mild flu, tired, and headache for ~ 2 hours). It wasn't too bad, I will probably switch to injecting at bed time though. Hydration and pre-medication seems to really help.

      The injection was a little bit worse this time though. I think I hit a nerve or maybe a muscle spasm or something. I just took the needle out and injecting a little over to the side though and it was ok.


        Great news that your side effects aren't too bad!

        Before you inject make sure you position your leg so that the muscle is very loose and jiggles with no tension. Sometimes my muscle will contract on getting injected, and you did what I would do. I pull out and inject in another spot close by.


          I'm getting my injection today at the Doctor's. I have them inject in my backside. That way I give my arms a break, don't feel it as much and get to flash the nurse.


            Avonex injection tips

            You have all helped me so much as I have had all of your same fears, encountered many of your same questions, plus I've picked up some helpful new tips! Thank you all very much. I have a few that might help in regards to pre-filled Avonex. I am still pretty much a newbie. DX July 31 2009. I began treatment Jan 2010 on Avonex. So, I am still learning. I do inject myself. I am not as fearful of needles as many people are so I do understand how awful it can be if you are. But yes... smaller needles... that helps. I do use the 1". To minimize the flu symtoms the do take Advil the day before and drink lots of water. I'm sure you all know that already.

            I take the prefilled syringe out 12-24 hours at room temp before I inject. For some odd reason that has had a very positive effect. Then the usual, ice, inject, and rubbing the area with the gauze after the injection gently usually cuts down on the red area that I get the next day if you are prone to that. Maybe if you are like me, this might help you. Of course keep up with your water and Advil or other pain med that work for you and rest. Hopefully the flu like will diminish over time. It has for me. I mostly get achey from the waist down rather than all over now. Typically about 5 hours after my injection and then get tired about that time as well. Try to stay positive. Good luck

            **Post edited by Moderator to break into paragraphs for easier reading! Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print.**

