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    bluemanda, i get the allergy-like reaction as well after 9 months. My welts, epecially on my legs, stay hot to the touch for several days! my doc and Shared SOlutions have suggested antihistamine, but this doesnt help me since I'm already on 2 oral antihistamines every day for other allergies. When the itching is totally unbearable i will put some topical benadryl on the spot and it helps a bit. All the interferons are ruled out for me because my liver was damaged after being on rebif, so I am trying to hang in with copaxone for as long as possible! Some days it is easier than others to bear it..

    Originally posted by bluemanda View Post
    I have started my third month of copaxone. I get stings, sometimes not bad, mostly when the medicine starts to spread. I get welts, some rather large, some smaller, but always some kind of welt. They also itch by the second day and for several days. They can also leave brusing, my arms though have a discoloration that shocks me. The spots can ache for a day or three afterwards. I use seven different locations, rotating so the same day each week gets the same area, it takes that long for that spot to recover. Arm, Arm, thigh, thigh (sometimes inside thigh sometimes outside thigh), stomach, hip, hip, and back to the first arm.

    My big question is, does anyone have a fever in the welt? Mine do for a day or two. Some worse than others. For example, on a thigh I can feel the heat through the jeans I am wearing. Is that normal for anyone else?

