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Avonex observation

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    Avonex observation

    Took my shot Tuesday night. My side effects the last two times have been minimal, but on Thursday, fatigue and depression. It was an effort to do anything, I was fed up about everything, grumpy and tearful. Friday morning...fine. I was talking to my husband about it and he commented that for the first few months, he noticed depression after each shot that started 24 hours after the injection and lasted a day. He hadn't noticed this the last couple times, but I guess it reared its ugly head this week.

    Anybody else notice a pattern?

    Depression can be a side effect of Interferon. If it persists or is too bothersome you may need an Anti Depressant. Possibly a switch in medication.
    Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


      I will have some extra fatigue for 24 hours from the time of the shot. 24 hours after injecting it lifts and goes away.

      I have always confused my fatigue with depression. Am I fatigued because I'm depressed, or am I depressed because I'm fatigued? After finally getting treatment for fatigue, I realized it was my most consistent symptom.

      Often within a few hours of injecting, I have to go to sleep, a good hour nap, and I am feeling a little better.

      Staying hydrated is very important including the next morning when I seem very dry.

      The other pattern I can mention is that two days after the injection the muscle I injected is temporarily sore. Working the muscle makes that go away.


        Hi Splendid,
        I used to get fatigue as a side effect of the injection. Like Justsayyes I would also confusion fatigue and depression. I take anti-depressant Cymbalta. It not only improves my mood but also helps with nerve pain. Also the injection side effect of fatigue gradually went away, but not consistently. I would have both good weeks and bad . In my case Avonex did not cause any depression.
        - Roy
        Been taking Avonex since June 96
        For me Interferon therapy is essential in slowing MS down.
        Will continue with the weekly injections and take my disease one day at a time...


          I take my shot on Fridays and Saturday was a lost day for those first few months through increased symptoms, fatigue and just feeling bad physically and mentally. It got better.


            Interesting about the fatigue vs. depression. I am very tired from the MS and then the shots make it worse...and guess what I consistently get "blue" about...everything that needs to be done and how little energy I have to do it.

            I actually am depressed about being fatigued. I would say its a "funny" cycle but I find it too depressing. Ha!


              Ill have to keep track on my depression and fatique after taking my Avonex shot, never really made the connection.

              I do get extremly fatiqued the day after and I always feel depressed lately. Is it the meds or just the MS or is it stress from the unknown.

              Im a type "a" person and having MS has thrown me for a loop..I hate not being in control...hate not knowing..I always new where I was going and now Ive hit a bump in the road of life and have to figure things out all over again...maybe thats where the depression is coming from??


                Originally posted by fuzzywuzzy2 View Post

                Im a type "a" person and having MS has thrown me for a loop..I hate not being in control...hate not knowing..I always new where I was going and now Ive hit a bump in the road of life and have to figure things out all over again...maybe thats where the depression is coming from??
                You just described me perfectly and my reaction to the diagnosis. I try to use my type A personality in my favor and take the bull by the horn and eat right, exercise, take my meds, take naps, take my vitamins, etc.

                However, that said, when I am fatigued or depressed from the injection, I am unable to put mind over matter. I read in one of the posts that they have learned to not pay attention to anything they think the day after a shot....SO TRUE! I can feel like the world is crashing about me one day and then wake up the next day with the birds singing.

                If your depression is constant you may need to change meds or get a new med or see a counselor to help you adjust. I have seen my priest/counselor a few times and it just helps to have somebody listen that is not critically involved.

                Hope this helps. Hang in there!


                  Hi Splendid,
                  I took Avonex for 3 years, and I'd be depressed for the day after the shot, but it was noticeable for only that one day, along with flu-like sensations and headache.

                  I agree that if it gets too bad, you might want to think about changing to another drug.
                  MEMBER OF MS WORLD SINCE 4/03.

                  SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2002-2005. Copaxone 6/4/07-5/15/10. Glatiramer acetate 40 mg (= Copaxone) 2021- 3/16/24

