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DMDs and working

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    DMDs and working

    I read on another thread that someone had found it difficult to continue working while on Betaseron. I've been prescribed Beta but haven't started yet (another thread). However, I have to and want to work full time, in a job which requires a lot of public contact and energy.

    Am I going to feel like I have flu all the time? Is Beta incompatible with working in a demanding job? If so, are any of the other DMDs better from this point of view? I was only offered interferons as Copaxone isn't available where I am.

    Any advice much appreciated.

    I take avonex and had some evil symptoms. However, they were generally gone by Monday. Avonex is reputed to have the worst symptoms, but they're all at once.

    You'll just have to start and see, but know that it gets better after a while.


      I take Rebif, similar to Betaseron. I never had any of the flu-like symptoms. I still work at a very demanding job and work out every day. My schedule for work and work-outs have remained the same since on Rebif.

      Originally posted by hotnsandy View Post
      I read on another thread that someone had found it difficult to continue working while on Betaseron. I've been prescribed Beta but haven't started yet (another thread). However, I have to and want to work full time, in a job which requires a lot of public contact and energy.

      Am I going to feel like I have flu all the time? Is Beta incompatible with working in a demanding job? If so, are any of the other DMDs better from this point of view? I was only offered interferons as Copaxone isn't available where I am.

      Any advice much appreciated.


        Betaseron was the only CRAB I was never on. But on Avonex, Copaxone and Rebif (and several other meds, to boot), I never had symptoms that interfered with my ability to work.

        I think the approach should be that if the med is the only reason why someone who would otherwise be able to work can't, then another med should be tried. With several alternatives available, there's no reason why someone shouldn't be able to work because of a med. Inability to work is a serious quality of life issue, and it should be worked around by trying a different med, if at all possible.

        Yes, there are some side effects to the interferons, but for most people they pass, or at least become a minor annoyance, within a few weeks. If Betaseron doesn't agree with you, it's worth looking into Avonex, which is taken only once per week. No matter which med you end up on, remember to pre- and post-medicate with an NSAID.

        I think most people's fear of the side effects is much worse than the effects themselves. Odds are you'll do just fine.


          Originally posted by Redwings View Post
          Betaseron was the only CRAB I was never on. But on Avonex, Copaxone and Rebif (and several other meds, to boot), I never had symptoms that interfered with my ability to work.

          I think the approach should be that if the med is the only reason why someone who would otherwise be able to work can't, then another med should be tried. With several alternatives available, there's no reason why someone shouldn't be able to work because of a med. Inability to work is a serious quality of life issue, and it should be worked around by trying a different med, if at all possible.

          Yes, there are some side effects to the interferons, but for most people they pass, or at least become a minor annoyance, within a few weeks. If Betaseron doesn't agree with you, it's worth looking into Avonex, which is taken only once per week. No matter which med you end up on, remember to pre- and post-medicate with an NSAID.

          I think most people's fear of the side effects is much worse than the effects themselves. Odds are you'll do just fine.
          I really believe this is true.
          Dx 4/04
          Copaxone 5/04-3/05
          Rebif 4/05-present


            I was on Beta for over a year and had no side effects at all. I never felt likr I had the flu or was sick in any way.

            Everyone is different. You're going to have to try it and see what happens.



              I started Betaseron a little over 2 wks ago. My doctor prescribed at gradual increase dose. That is supposed to get my body used to the medication and lessent the side effects.

              The first day I took the shot I had a lot of aching. However, that was done earlier in the day with the nurse. Since then I take 3 ibuprofen about a half hour before the shot. Then I take the shot about an hour before bed. I have not had any side effects severe enough to keep me from working the next day.

              That is my experience so far.
              ~Piper - DX'd 2/2010 - Mama, Wife, Working gal


                I've had flu like sxs on Rebif but it never stopped me from coming to work. The trick is to pre or post medicate 30-45 minutes before the shot or immediately after the shot.

                I found that when I took an advil immediately after the shot, it would give me enough relief for me to sleep through the night.

                When I didn't (because sometimes I got the flu-like sxs, sometiems not) and I got the chills/achiness, I was up half the night.

                Regardless, I never called in sick because the sxs would be gone by the morning. At worse, all I was left with was little sleep the night before, which I made up for the next night.
                "It's easier to be critical than correct."- Disraeli


                  Thanks for your input everyone - feel a bit less worried about it now. I'm not going to be able to start anyway for a few months for financial reasons so I think I will schedule it for the holidays. That way I can see how I will react and get used to dealing with any side effect. A new learning curve!


                    I take my Rebif injections while I'm at work (since I work PM shifts.) I inject at about 6pm. I usually take a couple of ibuprofen about an hour after the injection, too.

                    The 'flu-like' side-effects I get aren't felt for about five or six hours after injection, so by the time they start ... I'm usually in bed. Though, the flu-like side-effects have never been sever enough for me to stay home from work; but the added fatigue, has.

