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Long term Provigil use

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    Long term Provigil use

    Has anyone gone off Provigil after being on it for more than 5 years? I am beginning to wonder if I am so used to it that I really don't feel the benefits like I used to. It is time to renew my prescription and I wonder if I should just try going without. Making decisions seems to be harder than it used to be.

    I have been on Provigil for several years. Occasionally I will be out for a day or two until my mail order arrives. I notice a difference during those days.
    Try not taking it for a few days and see how you feel. That should tell you whether it is still providing you some benefit.


      Ellanor I was feeling like the Provigil had stopped working for me. I have been on it for about 6 years.

      I skipped my dose thinking I didn't need it and I tell ya it was miserable, and humbling. I couldn't stay awake for more than a couple of hours.

      Needless to say, I started back on it and I was able to stay awake, at least for half the day.



        Jim ive been on provigil for about 7 months now and i notice it isnt as effective i tried not takin it for a day the next day it worked better. can definitly notice though.


          Thank you for your responses.....I think I know that I would be better off with it, I guess I just needed some other thoughts...


            I took Provigil for a year or two.....I forget how long! I always took a day vacation per week from it, seemed to help keep up it's effectiveness for me.

            I recently went off and back to Amantadine. I thought the Provigil was giving me headaches. I'm sleeping better so fatigue is not too terrible right now.

