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Ampyra Side Effects

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    Ampyra Side Effects

    So for those of you who have been on Ampyra for a month or two are you noticing any side effects now?

    I was fine for the first 2 months and now in month 3 I am noticing more headaches and nausea. I am curious if there are any others who are noticing the same things...

    Ampyra is the only thing I have added in the last 6 months and I don't take any meds that would seem to interact with it.

    Any comments would be appreciated!
    Falling down is easy... getting up not so much

    3 month

    hi Grace, the sympyoms you are describing could be many things. If i had these symptoms i would wait 2 days and see if they disappear. there are still flu and cold viruses circulating. If symptoms persist i would email or call my dr. and have him check for toxicity. Kidneys and liver bloodwork should reveal any problems tolerating this med. barry


      I've been taking Amyra for 17 days. Just one pill a day to be increased to twice a day after a month.

      Just decided to take a break at my MS nurse's suggestion. I have been having side effects - mostly annoying ones -for the past two weeks. Those include a headache that was so bad I almost went to the ER, some balance issues that are new to me and my forehead has gone numb. Plus I feel my weakness is slightly worse in my left hip. I do feel my walking is better at times. Of course, the weather has been unusally hot for June. So who knows? Perhaps the break will tell us something by eliminating the ampyra as the culprit.

      Has anyone else had a similar experience? Good luck to all who are in this ampyra adventure.


        Hi Grace, I have been in the phase III/extended study for almost 3 years, that is now closing.
        I have not had any side effects


          Side Effects for Ampyra

          I am starting my third month. The only side effects I have are extreme pain in my knees and my hips. To the point of screaming when I stand up and try to walk. Does anyone else have this? Thanks.


            I have no side effects, Sometimes my muscles hurt behind my knees & ankles but they bothered to do that b4 amp. around my period so I think i may b pereimenopausal. I by no means think it is b/c of ampyra. I have no nausea etc but i think I have a strong tolerance 4 meds. I feel better than i have felt in months hope u all will get past these side effects & feel great too!!!


              Thanks for your replies

              I can't help but think my nausea and headaches are from the Ampyra ~ with that being said I am not giving up! The nausea does not hang around for long and the headaches seem to be happening mostly in late afternoon and in the wee hours of the morning. Hum, about 6-8 hours after taking it...

              Good health to all of you! Thanks again for taking the time to respond!
              Falling down is easy... getting up not so much


                Ampyra Side Effects

                I've been on ampyra for almost 4 weeks now. Side effects I've noticed are dizziness (more than the usual dizzy me ) and beginning the second week, pain in my legs. I usually fall on average once per month and was hoping the ampyra would help. I was clean in April & May (no falls) but so far this June I've fallen twice - and that's been since starting Ampyra. I will continue to try it for another month, but because of the cost unless I see some significant benefit, I will probably back off. I'm currently taking 1 AM and 1 PM.
                My Cross To Bear Keeps Fallin Off


                  pain in legs

                  Originally posted by KureMS View Post
                  I've been on ampyra for almost 4 weeks now. Side effects I've noticed are dizziness (more than the usual dizzy me ) and beginning the second week, pain in my legs. I usually fall on average once per month and was hoping the ampyra would help. I was clean in April & May (no falls) but so far this June I've fallen twice - and that's been since starting Ampyra. I will continue to try it for another month, but because of the cost unless I see some significant benefit, I will probably back off. I'm currently taking 1 AM and 1 PM.
                  Me too, wondering if same, not sure it is a side effect or Ms for that matter. Where is yours & what does it feel like?


                    Hi everybody, I've been on Ampyra for a little over a week. I don't know if it is the heat/humidity (I live near St. Louis) or the drug. I am not walking good at all. Any thoughts?


                      Me too. I'm currently on a break from ampyra after 17 days of 1/2 dosage (1 a day). THe first two days off the drug were great. The temperatures were in the 80's and low humidity. I felt fabulous. Today the temperature is in the low nineties and humid and I am having difficulty walking - more than ever before with or without drugs. I am concluding it is the weather which was not a problem last year - maybe June was cooler. Maybe this is a flare. Who really knows?
                      Will talk with my MS nurse on Tuesday. Maybe things will have become clear by then.



                        Originally posted by Grace View Post
                        So for those of you who have been on Ampyra for a month or two are you noticing any side effects now?

                        I was fine for the first 2 months and now in month 3 I am noticing more headaches and nausea. I am curious if there are any others who are noticing the same things...

                        Ampyra is the only thing I have added in the last 6 months and I don't take any meds that would seem to interact with it.

                        Any comments would be appreciated!
                        Try to stick it out b/c it is a great drug. BTW I love Ashville, I have condo in Boone,



                          I WAS ON ONE MONTH...NOW OFF FOR TWO WEEKS?


                            me too

                            pain in knees sometimes thighs & ankles. after a month now stomach sick & headache last 2 days.


                              Originally posted by JMom View Post
                              Try to stick it out b/c it is a great drug. BTW I love Asheville, I have condo in Boone,
                              I love it here too! We moved here 14 years ago and I can't imagine living any where else now.... Don't know how I survived the heat in Florida but I can't take it now! It has been in the 90's already this year but it does not feel like 90 in Florida seems to!

                              I will stick with Ampyra until the headaches get the best of me. I am happy to say I didn't have one yesterday and also don't so far today.
                              Falling down is easy... getting up not so much

