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Update on Neuro appointment

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    Update on Neuro appointment

    Hi All,

    I went back to my neuro yesterday after my hospitalization in May. It was a nice long visit with a lot of conversation and going over labs, etc.

    He still wants to wait on DMD/DMM's. He still thinks he can manage this with steroids as long as it is no more than 2 times a year, three tops.

    He orderd PT to help with my swimming head and gave me a six month handicapped slip (not sure if it is worth paying for at the DMV for six months).

    We did talk about the LP I had from a previous neuro. He said that 4 percent of MS patients are O band negative and that it was probably my luck (since I can't have an MRI) that I would be one of the 4 percent. He said when I go back in the hospital for my next relapse, he might repeat the LP then, so I can get better care than last time.

    So, I am praying for complete remission. I have 12 more days of steroids (I will ask for the 5 days IVSM next time) and I am feeling better. Even my cold/sinus infection seems to be leaving.

    Yeah for me!!!

    Glad you are feeling better and that there is light at the end of the tunnel (welll, kind of anyway)!
    Diagnosed 1/28/10


      HUGS MY DEAR~!

      Again so sorry for all you are going through. I hope you get answers and help real soon. Maybe the steroid are helping..yes?

      And yes ask for IVSM "next time."

      Keep posting so we know how you're doing

      I believe in miracles~!
      2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
      Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


        I really believe that LP's are a waste of time. My neuro told me that if you are not in the middle of a relapse, no O bands will show up in the LP. The spinal headache is definitely not worth it either. I seriously thought that I was going to die when I had it. Try to get the Evoked Potentials test. That test got me my diagnosis.


          Hi Wobbler, glad to hear your starting to feel better!

          We have something in common= besides the MS itself- my sx started in 1994, dx in 2007 ..13 years and I see your sx started in 1997 and dx in 2110..13 years.

          I don't know about you, but I am just a little miffed (to put it mildly) at the neuros and others that I had seen over those years that missed a lot of things and now I have a weak leg. Hoping Tysabri will help with that, and my balance too.

          My neuro is checking on getting me started on Ampyra also!


            How frustrating for you. Personally I dont think 2-3 relapses a year is acceptable without trying dmds.

            good luck


              I am glad you are starting to feel better.


                Thanks Ladies,

                He is as frustrated as me. Really wish they had done a good MRI before placing the Interstim, but no interstim and I would have to cath, so I am glad I have it.

                We can MRI once it needs a replacement. Not due for 5 years.

                I don't want to do steroids this long again, ever. I will ask for the full 5 days next time not just three and 50 days of pills.

                Today I do feel better but hoping physical therapy will improve my balance.

                13 years for a dx was frustrating especially since I am left with many "quirks".

                Thanks again for all the love and support.

