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    I am a 70 year old woman in a power chair, DX this past Feb, after 30 years of symptoms, beginning with balance then numbness, burning in feet, muslce cramps and progress to cane, walker and since last June a power chair. Do not take any meds. Hate MS and angry it took so long to be DX. I guess I have replasping MS. Attack in June left me completely unable to walk. No pain except accasional in head. not head ache.
    I also have hyponatremia, low sodium cause by over active adrenal gland. Dizzy most of time. Panic attacks. do not like crowds. Nerves shot.
    Border line diabetic past 10 year. I suspected MS but doctors would not listen and test. Nerve damage in R arm and legs.
    MS suck. Miss my grand-daughter's graduation to night and most family gatherings.
    Take complete care of my self and home.

    Hello Dyehard

    Welcome to MS World - nice to meet you!

    Gosh, 30 years of symptoms and just diagnosed this year in February. It's incomprehensible to learn that your doctors wouldn't take you seriously. So sorry your attack in June left you unable to walk. Yes, MS does suck

    It's too bad that you had to miss your Grandaughter's graduation. Was that due to the panic attacks in crowds? I'm wondering if your doctor could give you something for anxiety - at least to take the edge off of your anxiety and nervousness in order to help you be more comfortable in crowds.

    Hopefully you will benefit from the various Forums here and the shared experiences of others who are living with the challenges of MS. Glad you found us. Hope to see more of your posts

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      Originally posted by dyehard39 View Post
      I am a 70 year old woman in a power chair, DX this past Feb, after 30 years of symptoms, beginning with balance then numbness, burning in feet, muslce cramps and progress to cane, walker and since last June a power chair. Do not take any meds. Hate MS and angry it took so long to be DX. I guess I have replasping MS. Attack in June left me completely unable to walk. No pain except accasional in head. not head ache.
      I also have hyponatremia, low sodium cause by over active adrenal gland. Dizzy most of time. Panic attacks. do not like crowds. Nerves shot.
      Border line diabetic past 10 year. I suspected MS but doctors would not listen and test. Nerve damage in R arm and legs.
      MS suck. Miss my grand-daughter's graduation to night and most family gatherings.
      Take complete care of my self and home.
      Hi there, I am new to this site and read your comments and I had to say a few things that might help you. MS ususally is around for a long time before any doctor can really diagnose it. I also had a feeling that I had something wrong with me (20 years) and being that I attendend medical school, read alot and suspected MS. BUT, I went to many doctors and time went by and they kept saying I had nothing wrong. I kepy going to beach and doings all the things that was bad for me assuming nothing was wrong! Well a year ago I was finally diagnosed. Found a great doctor and went on Beta right must go on some sort of meds and find yourself a good doctor. Massage, diet and exercise I strongly recommend. Vitamins, vitamin D are very helpful; and faith. I recently spoke to someone recently that was in a wheelchair and now she is walking..So please do not ever loose your faith and be an active Mser!!!!

