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Costa Rican clinic ordered to stop treatment

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    Costa Rican clinic ordered to stop treatment
    Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift!

    Oh my...
    I'll now go read the article!


      How sad.... although I realize not everyone benefits from stem cell treatment, I've not heard where it's hurt anyone either.

      After all this time, why shut it down? My gut reaction is that BIG Pharma is behind it somehow..putting on pressure. But then, I have a bitter spot inside from the fallout of greed.
      I'm not perfect....just forgiven!


        Actually, the Costa Rican Health Ministry closed them down.
        “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” Ernest Hemingway
        Diagnosed 1979


          The Costa Rican government has been uncomfortable with the stem cell procedure for a long time. Cell Medicine had been migrating to Panama for awhile in anticipation of something like this.

          Without going into the entire history, the recent 60 Minutes piece was the impetus.

          Readers of the Stem Cell threads here know of my experience and feelings regarding Costa Rica and Call Medicine. I regard the procedure as of limited value. Unlike the cost insurance companies (and therefore everyone who consumes medical services) would incur if I had used all the FDA approved drugs my MS specialist doctors would have gladly prescribed and which would not have helped me, this came from family and friends and had no side effects.
          sometimes you can't make it on your own


            Just read where it is the newly elected Minister of Health's PERSONAL opinion that stem cells do not help spinal cord injuries or degenerative diseases. CIMA is now consolidated in the Panama clinic.

            One step forward ~ five steps back....Education should expand personal opinions not restrict them. Personal opinions based on what? It was bringing tons of money into their economy, not causing any harm.

            Medicine has never been stagnent and shouldn't be stagnent. Politics and greed make it a muddy pool.

            I'm one of the MS patients who had SCT and have a better life because of it. Nothing huge but it has changed my outlook on life from where I was last year.
            I'm not perfect....just forgiven!


              Here's another perspective. The CR Health ministry is charged with upholding standards of medical care. They evaluated the stem cell clinic and determined that at best it is a clinic charging 10s of thousands of dollars for treatment that is of unproven efficacy or safety and not really even scientifically sound. At worst it is a fraudulent endeavor taking advantage of desperate people with incurable health conditions. The HM, as it should have, order them to cease providing this unproven treatment.

              It seems to me that if this were a legitimate medical clinic developing a legitimate treatment, they would be doing careful pre and post treatment measurements and screening in order to build a database that could be shown to health officials and even potential investors. Based on some posts I've read it doesn't appear they are doing that at all.

              One could argue that the greed in this case is that of the people running the clinic.

              I'm sure this view isn't going to be popular here, but I'm a fair and balanced kind of guy and felt it should be expressed.
              Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift!


                Frederick, no problem from me. In the end I’m here to learn and share, MS is a tough deal and this place (you included) helps.

                I would disagree with one thing you wrote. I know a number of people who’ve had SCT. Desperation is not an emotion I’ve found amongst this group. Sure overly hopeful, perhaps. Naïve? Possible

                Mostly we were just tired of the status quo, the slow steady loss of function and the seemingly singular focus of the medical community and drug companies on treatments we knew weren’t going to make us better.

                I knew it might not work, I have no regrets, even though I’ve been tempted, I’m moving on.
                sometimes you can't make it on your own


                  I was surprised to read the post about the closing of the clinic - not having been on this site in months.

                  Frederick you are right about Cell Medicine not adhereing to scientific principles related to research and building a database...

                  But, there is not much research on Ampra either and/or LDN, but a lot of people with MS are using and benefitting from these drugs.

                  Also, if you take a look at the research for some of the MS Drugs, the number of subjects cited is extremely small and somehow the drug companies are make leaping conclusion regarding the efficacy of their drugs.

                  It is interesting that almost all of the drugs work on relapse remitting MS. This may be misleading given that most of these patients would naturally be going into remission yet it is now being attributed to the effect of the drug.

                  The bottom line is ....there really are no effective treatments which forces people with MS to try anything that makes some amount of common sense...SCT

                  The only thing closing down the clinic does is deprive people of the possibility that something will be discovered in the process of SCT, which deprives us of hope which in itself is a powerful mental state.

                  Oh yea, and yes, WE ARE DESPERATE....NO SECRET THERE!

                  Good luck everyone....


                    info regarding closing of ICM in Costa Rica

                    I received an email from Dr. Riordan CEO if ICM explaining the reasons for closing the ICM clinic in Costa Rica. It reads as follows:
                    Stem Cell Institute
                    June 10, 2010
                    Dear Friends

                    Recently, there has been some misinformation in the news and on the Internet regarding Cell Medicine/The Stem Cell Institute. We are writing you today to share the facts.

                    In early June, The Stem Cell Institute proactively and independently made the business decision to close its clinic and lab in Costa Rica and centralize all operations in Panama City, Panama, where we have operated since 2007.

                    We came to this decision after careful and thoughtful consideration. Simply put, while Costa Rica is a wonderful country, its unpredictable and changing regulatory landscape imposed too much uncertainty. Because we follow the highest standards of ethics, transparency and consistency, the lack of clarity regarding adult stem cell treatment regulation in Costa Rica was too great a risk to continue our work there.

                    Some erroneous media reports have suggested that we were shut down by Costa Rica's Health Ministry. This is false. In fact, the Health Minister herself recently issued a clarification stating that in no way did she or anyone within her department order the closure of our facility. While it was difficult, the decision to close our facility and consolidate all operations in Panama was made independently and voluntarily by Cell Medicine/The Stem Cell Institute.

                    We will dearly miss our colleagues, patients and friends in Costa Rica and are very proud of our work there. In just four years, we helped hundreds of people who are challenged with chronic diseases for which there are inadequate standard therapies, such as Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Muscular Dystrophy, and Spinal Cord Injuries.

                    Moving forward, the company's commitment to helping patients with chronic diseases benefit from new, cutting edge adult stem cell therapies is unchanged. Our vibrant, growing clinic in Panama City has already served more than 150 patients since opening in 2007. The government of Panama has clearly-defined laws that regulate adult stem cell therapies. Moreover, Panama City is an easily accessible metropolitan city with world-class facilities and accommodations to better serve our patients. The Stem Cell Institute's facilities in Panama are fully licensed and certified, and we stand ready to work with you to address your specific challenges.

                    Please, if you have any questions or concerns, call us at ****phone number removed as per our guidelines. You may put it in your profile. Included with this correspondence is a "Frequently Asked Questions" document that addresses many common questions regarding this change. Lastly, we have created a Facebook page where our community of doctors and patients can connect to share information and learn more about the promising advancement of adult stem cell therapies. Go facebook and search for The Stem Cell Institute. When you "like" our page you will become a part of our online community.

                    Thank you for your support and understanding. Every day, current and former patients refer others with chronic diseases to our clinic. This is a testament to the work of our highly trained doctors and other medical specialists who have dedicated years to uncovering new treatments to aid those challenged by chronic diseases. Together with you we are building a promising future.

                    Kind regards,

                    Neil Riordan

                    I hope this clears up some misconceptions



                      Frederick...I agree with some of what you're saying. The lack of/management of collecting data is pitiful at best. It seems willy nilly and that includes Israel's program. Don't know where the 'science' went. I've gone 'round and 'round with Dr. Gesundheit over this...I will not supply 'subjective' data to something so specific as SCT and have asked that they design a scale more detailed to MS sx and finer grading to rate even the smallest of changes....EDSS is worthless in my view for a number of reasons.

                      However, I know several who have had improvements from SCT, including me, so if someone wants to accept the risk and spend thousands to take a chance, I say go for it 'cause there is no rhyme or reason as to who it helps judging from my own data collection!

                      Robin...thanks so much for sharing this. All the reports online have pointed directly to the MH so this was an eye opener!

                      I'm not perfect....just forgiven!


                        I was quoted by Reuters in the posted article

                        I haven't checked in here in quite a while, but did get tons of emails when Cell Medicine's clinic announced that they were going to close the clinic in Costa Rica. I have done quite a few interviews about my successful results with stem cell treatment and am always aware that the press can take whatever say and use it in any context they wish.

                        The treatment wasn't a miracle, but it did work extremely well in my case. I have had a flare up since having my first treatment in Costa Rica, but to date I am still not back on any disease modifying meds. I still have tingling in my fingers and toes from time to time - but my balance, eyesight, incontinence, cog fog, and fatigue are still good.

                        I continue to learn more about stem cells, Multiple Sclerosis, science, new medications and possible therapies. I still continue to share my experience and know that it gave me the strength to get back on track to live life again and gave me hope for a healthier future.

                        I'm so thankful for the pioneers like Dr. Riordan who believe in the good they are doing and continue to learn and change protocols and stay steadfast in a sometimes turbulent environment. I never felt taken advantage of or lured by promises or unrealistic results. From my perspective, the $30K for treatment was a fraction of the money I already spent here in the US on medications because I was underinsured. $30,000 is nothing compared to the non funded stem cell trial at Northwestern that costs $100,000+ Any environment that includes business, money, health, and something new and progressive will always bring controversy - and that's good because the chatter leads to more discussion and better understanding.

                        I still love my new stem cells and the opportunities they have given me.
                        - Holly
                        "Act as though it is impossible to fail."

