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Yesterday, I Cried

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    Yesterday, I Cried

    Yesterday was real yucky for me. The day started of unusually humid and hot. Hubby decided to clean the carpet with hot water which increased the humidity.

    I felt very nauseated, my eye hurt, I couldn't stand light, my weakness increased it made all the ms symptoms worse. I am in the middle of a flair caused by anemia and a bladder infection per the neuro. She said those cause you to flair.

    I took some zofran for nausea, my antibiotics, extra Baclofen, ginger cubes, Tylenol for pain.

    By bedtime the neuropathy flared up so intensely that I buried my head in the pillow and cried. Hubby heard me and came in and held me in his arms and kissed me on my head and said he wished he could take the pain away.

    It felt like my foot was on fire and someone had amputated my toe. It never hurt so bad. I took neurotin 300mg which I hate taking because it makes me sleep and feel loopy. But I couldn't handle the pain. I only take it when I feel so bad that it won't matter if It makes me feel loopy.

    I slept with my foot on an ice pack.

    Thanks for listening.


    I'm sorry you had such a bad day. I can feel your pain; I too have just cried when I was so discouraged.

    I don't have the pain; don't know why, but my problem is mostly fatigue (debilitating fatigue).

    To me it's just weird how we all have different symptoms. We share some (like fatigue) but not all.

    I do get UTI's and frankly that alone can cause me to cry. So frustrating. I hope you have used AZO for urinary tract infections. It is over the counter and it is very effective in alleviating the burning and pain of UTI's. The only thing that's even a little bad is the fact it changes the color of your urine.

    Try it, if you haven't already. Of course u should see the doctor and get an antibiotic (I think the last one I took is Maxibid - that could be wrong - I take so many things that it will slip my mind). I cannot take sulfa drugs, which are the most reliable to take care of UTI's.

    My doc is sending me to a Urologist as he thinks my condition may be worsening.

    This really gets old doesn't it.

    Well, hang in there. Hopefully things will get better.

    You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.


      So sorry you are having a bad time, Rosepetals.
      Life isn't fair, is it? But, the good news is there's always tomorrow - or the next. And that your dh is so supportive!

      Crying does help, doesn't it? It takes all the sadness out and leaves room for more light so cry away when you need to!

      Hope you are feeling better.
      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


        Hope today is better for you. I have broken down and cried many times also. So glad you have a good dh who held you.



          I'm so sorry for your pain. I'm so glad your DH is caring and understands. I hope the pain will lessen and not be as bad in the future.
          Take care, Wiz
          RRMS Restarted Copaxone 12/09


            for the pain, discuss with your doctor seeing a pain management specialist.

            I use to cry all day and could not handle the pain that went through my legs and feet. I finally was sent to a pain management specialist and we tried several different medications until I found a miracle drug, Opana. It is a narcotic, but does not make you feel loopy. I started at .5 mg. and am now at 40mg. There is a world of difference in my life now.

            There is another individual who watches Daily Strength message board, and I spoke to her too about this. She tried it and is now toteing this Opana as a miracle for her.

            You have to be an advocate for your own health. Discuss with your doctor what your nights are like dealing with the pain. Doctor's don't want to see us in pain and on the other hand are very careful about prescribing meds to help (oxycotin, etc).

            Opana (look up on internet) has made such a huge difference in my life. I think I would have rather died than continue on in the pain I was experiencing. Very depressing also.

            I'm sorry you are experiencing such feelings and want you to know you don't hav to live like that. do somthing fof yourself an get some help with the pain. It will change the quality of your life.

            Good Luck.

            *** Moderator's note - post broken into paragraphs for easier reading ***


              HUGS my dear Rosepetal and thanks for sharing with us your most vulnerable time. Yes we are impressed with how your hubby was so endearing and physically compassionate. Tell me ok?

              Like me, I put up with stuff not knowing there is help out there. Many on this forum live with daily pain related to MS or not...its debilitating..and sucks up your energy and mood.

              Just remember you are never alone with all of this..
              WE care and WE understand hon.

              Warmly, Jan
              I believe in miracles~!
              2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
              Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


                rosepetals - glad you have a" keeper" in your hubby! That's always a plus! We all need someone who understands what we're going thru!

                Hopefully by now your feeling better! Sending (((HUGS))) and good thoughts your way!!



                  MS World
                  PPMS DX 2001

                  "ADAPT AND OVERCOME" - MY COUSIN


                    I feel so HORRIBLE

                    Today, I had hoped on feeling better, but no. I woke up feeling weaker than normal, my legs continue to buckle. I feel lightheaded, very nauseated. I have a brown bag by me in case I don't make it to the bathroom. It is a couch day for me.

                    I try to hide the symptoms from hubby, but he always notices something is wrong. He said he was tired of hearing about how I feel, but then he ask me how I feel when he sees how I look. I guess I won't say anything unless he asks.

                    I understand I have talked too much about symptoms. He is right. It's hard as he is retired and stays home so he sees me all the time and notices everything. He has been very supportive. He has said ms affects not only me, but has affected his life in a big way too. He emphasizes he loves me and doesn't mean to hurt my feelings.

                    He calls me penguin, because I walk like one. I think it is cute. It's his way of dealing with it he says. I don't mind the nicknames.

                    My legs feel like they don't exist, like they are numb to the waist and so very weak. It doesn't feel like I can support my weight today when i walk. I have been getting the MS hug more frequently along with the back spasms. The burning is in my foot but not as bad as it was before. I upped my bentothiamine for the nerve pain. My fingers don't work well when typing and my brain is broken. Sigh.

                    Hubby made an appointment with an attorney so I can do a trust and power of attorney so he can care for me if I am unable to talk. He said he would pay for it. I am worried as my brain isn't working very well. I asked for him to wait on making the appointment until my head cleared up, but he said my brain is always foggy. But, I was doing the memory game on a website. They showed the picture and you had to remember the picture. I couldn't remember it. My mind is mush. It is hard to get words out and my speech slurs at times.

                    Yesterday my leg buckled and I missed the floor by a couple of inches. At the last moment I grabbed the bed stopping the fall. It tweaked my knee and ankle.

                    I am still trying to go for at least one walk a day even though I am in this flare. It is very difficult as I have to use the cane and his arm for balance as I am a wobbler and tripper. My walking speed was 3 miles per hour and is down to two mph or less. I can only walk about a quarter of a mile, down from the two miles I used to walk a few weeks ago. Now walking is extremely difficult. My breathing gets hard when I walk a short distance. I think it is from being anemic and the extra energy required to walk. My muscles fatigue quicker than normal. My stronger leg isn't working right and is weaker and my foot isn't clearing the ground well so I trip a lot.

                    I am on antibiotics. I don't have any burning sensation or signs of a bladder infection.

                    Thanks for the tip on the pain medication. I never had felt pain like that before. It was so excruciating painful that I couldn't help bawling like a baby. Hubby's hugs and kisses helped. Having his support is wonderful.

                    I have noticed I can't always tell if I have to pee. Sometimes there is a pressure which tells me to go, sometimes i push on my bladder to see if I have to go. I am continent. Is this unusual? Any advice?

                    Thanks everyone for your support. It makes the world of difference for me.

