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1st Neuro Appt

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    1st Neuro Appt

    I went to my first with a neurologist. I have been having various symptoms over the past several months. Electrical shock sensations, feet and lower leg numbness, shaky feelings(like I am shaking on the inside), hand tremors, numbness and tingling in fingers on and off, some problems with cognition, extreme fatigue, always feeling like I have to pee and so on. I finally got my PCP to send me elsewhere and stop telling me to just stop thinking about it and I will feel better.
    So I went to appt today and he was really nice and seemed to listen to me. He ordered an MRI, EEG, vit D levels and Lyme Test. He says I don't have some of the issues usually associated with MS but he wants to rule it out. I can't stop worrying about it. I have been worrying that was what I have for the past couple months as I waited for the appt. However he did say I had brisk reflexes? Also when I tried to do a balance test, I almost fell over. I did not even know I had balance issues?
    Anyway just wanted to post instead of always lurking. I guess I am in limboland.

    Hello my dear and welcome to MSWORLD.

    Hope you feel comfortable here and stay awhile. We will help you get through this process. Know that there is a limboland check in weekly for folks awaiting some kind of diagnosis.

    Sending you healing energy..and HUGS!!!

    Warmly, Jan
    I believe in miracles~!
    2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
    Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


      Hello Ambrsmom

      Good for you that you got your doctor to refer you to a Neuro

      You've had a neurological exam, so now on to the tests he ordered. He'll get a bigger picture of what's going on after the results come back.

      I would love to say - don't worry, it won't change anything except stress you out - but I know I tend to be a worrier at times myself.

      Glad you came out of lurking and we got to meet you. Hopefully you will benefit from the information and shared experiences of our members. We're here to be supportive and understanding

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~

