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Personal problem, but scared and need advice

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    Personal problem, but scared and need advice

    Recently my husband had a sore on his penis and it caused him to have fever and body aches for a day. He has has this swollen gland/sore before and had it tested for STD's but the test came back negative. At that time he didn't have the sore only swollen glands, so the sore was never tested just his blood. Well, now that the sore is present again I convinced him to go to the Dr and have it tested again. They were able to do a scrap of the sore. Dr thinks its syphilis or maybe a cyst, but leaning toward syphilis.

    My husband swears that he has not slept around and dr says that he could of contracted this in his teens. Well, my husband and I have been together for 5 years and I don't have any symptoms... well that I know of.

    We are waiting for the results. I am terrified, because I am now on Tysabri and I know this lowers your immune system. If I he does have syphilis and I have it as well...
    What Does This Mean For Me? Does anybody know? I have my next infusion scheduled for Tuesday of next week. Do you think I should let the infusion center know what is going on, if I don't have the results by then?

    I want to contact my neuro, but I also want to wait for the results. I don't want to jump the gun.

    I hope someone out there can give me some advice. I don't know who else to discuss this with. Thanks

    wish i had some good answers for you. but my heart goes out to you. that's an awful lot to deal with.
    i would definitely let dr/ clinic know what you may be dealing with, it cd make a difference in your treatment.
    praying that everything is normal for DH & you.
    hang in there! God bless ya!
    "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


      Hey -
      I will keep you in my prayers. Have you been tested at all during this time? Foe example, they always run that whole panel when you are pregnant. Don't freak out yet, although I know that is hard not to do. Take care and God bless.
      Busy mom of 3 little red heads!!!
      Diagnosed RRMS - May 2005


        Thanks for the responses. I have had several blood test done, but I don't know if the CBC includes stuff like std's. I was tested for HIV and Std's back when I had my son in 89, but I've been told that std's can be dormant for several years. I don't know, if the test are positive, if it came from him or me. I divorced my previous husband 8 yrs ago, but the reason for divorce was his womanizing ways. So, who knows what he could of given me.

        I hate having to deal with this right now. It really stresses my out (totally).


          Thanks for you responses. No word yet if its yes or no. I will keep you all informed.

          Thanks again for the prayers. I really need them now.

