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MS and mouth sores

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    MS and mouth sores

    does anybody get mouth sores that take forever to heal? i bit the inside of my mouth a week ago, and it's made no progress whatsoever, and it's killing me.

    i don't know if there's a connection between the CRAB drugs and an inability to heal, but i've had a cluster of 3 sores, plus swelling that you can see outside my lip for several days now.

    i'm thinking of going on a shake diet, or at least drinking all my meals through a straw. i've been (ab)using kanka on it every 45 minutes...

    normally mouth injuries heal very quickly, but i just don't know why this won't heal. anybody else get this, and if so, what did you do?

    Originally posted by zebulun View Post
    does anybody get mouth sores that take forever to heal? i bit the inside of my mouth a week ago, and it's made no progress whatsoever, and it's killing me.

    i don't know if there's a connection between the CRAB drugs and an inability to heal, but i've had a cluster of 3 sores, plus swelling that you can see outside my lip for several days now.

    i'm thinking of going on a shake diet, or at least drinking all my meals through a straw. i've been (ab)using kanka on it every 45 minutes...

    normally mouth injuries heal very quickly, but i just don't know why this won't heal. anybody else get this, and if so, what did you do?
    I don't think it's the CRAB drugs, but if I'm remembering correctly, outbreaks of oral sores are an autoimmune thing (like MS) and it's not uncommon to have more than one autoimmune condition. I have 3 myself, including mouth sores (and I haven't been on any CRAB for several years now).

    What helps is lysine capsules. You can get them in any natural food store's supplement section, or order them online. I get mine from at a good discount. Lysine won't cure the sores immediately, but it will make them heal much faster. If you get frequent outbreaks, you might want to just stay on one capsule a day even when you don't have any sores.


      thank you for your response, sequoia. my mom told me to get some lysine, too. i wish i had, now, because i have to speak in church this weekend, and i don't want to be stumbling over my words.

      i'll go out and get some right away! thank you!



        This won't have immediate results BUT you might consider eliminating "wheat" from your diet. The first time I had mouth sores was a reaction to Wheat Thins and other crackers that had wheat in them. After that I started tracking how my mouth and body responded to various food. Consequently, I stopped diary and red meat completely. Cut down drastically on "gluten" (but haven't completely stopped yet.) Kept close track on animal fat and saturated fat....trying to eliminated it........NO MORE MOUTH SORES SINCE THEN
        Progressive Relapsing MS


          i am an unhealing sore. i had burned my mouth on pizza and it took a good 2 months to heal. but i do get random small bite like sores that appear and never heal. it leaves scars, lite colored skin or a lump behind. i don't know why it happens. just another one of those things i guess.


            I don't know if this will help but I used to get cakor sores all the time. Sometimes 10 at a time! I tried everything -- lysine, kanka, etc. Then a woman at my church told me she used to get them a lot also. She said when she turned 50, she stopped having them. Then when I turned about 50, I stopped getting the sores. I, also, thought it could be the Betaseron but I went off of it for a year and I still didn't get any sores. Just my thoughts!


              The sores can be an allergic reaction to food. I have a friend who has a mild peanut allergy, and it manifests itself in canker sores.

              I get them, but I have never identified the cause--other than hormonal changes or stress.
              Diagnosed 1/28/10


                Could also be your drugs making your mouth drier than usual and therefore, harder to heal "ouchies"
                Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


                  I don't know if this is related or not, but when I had my first symptom which caused me to go to the doctor (it was facial numbness) I ended up with 3 or 4 terrible sore spots on my tongue. I went to my general doc. and she presribed something to put on it topically, but didn't think it was related to anything. I also had really sore joints in my hands around this time too. I felt like it was related. Like my body was full of inflammation.

                  Anyway, the medication my doctor prescribed was called dental paste. It was an actual prescription and it made a barrier over the sore. After I had that, they healed relatively quickly.


                    Could they possibly be Ulcers

                    They kind of look like craters
                    Diagnosed MS 9/23/09


                      I get them.

                      I have noticed more of these too, and they take forever to heal. However, I also noticed I get them following a large sugar intake. Primarily on road trips with the family and indulging on Nerds or Mike and Ikes. I swore the last time they were going to go straight through to the outside of my cheek. I do think they are either stress or diet related...and I feel for you because they HURT!

