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falling asleep after eating

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    falling asleep after eating

    Don't know what is going on, but wow, lately within a half hour of eating I am falling into a dead sleep for about 2 or so hours. Didn't even fell tied before eating.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Is it a know MS thing or should I be talking to the doctor cause something else is going on?

    haven't had the falling asleep after eating. actually falling asleep has been a problem.
    but anytime something new, esp. such a strange sx as that, i always call the dr. it may be significant or not. but do you want to take the chance?
    drs. need to know what's going on with you to help you. that's also why we pay them.
    get some zzzz's for me while you're at it, ok?
    "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


      Have you ever tried going gluten free?

      Hi, Sleepy!
      After MS began to rear its ugly head I encountered what you describe conistently. I always had a little of this growing up, and when I read the MS Recovery Diet (that's just the name of the book, I'll tell you when I recover! LOL) I decided to eliminate glutens/wheat fully.

      What a difference! The weight has come off 20lbs in a year, the spasms seem less painful (although still there), and I am no longer narcotized by food.

      Food should not put you to sleep. MS can put you to sleep! That is your body telling you something about the extra work it's putting in trying to metabolize what you've eaten.

      It is my experience that with my MS, I really got sluggish with the wheat. So away it goes. No more sleepy eater here.



        You should consult the Doctor regarding this problem,
        s falling asleep after eating anything is not the normal thing always.


          I had to laugh when I was reading this. I worked with little kids in my former life and they always fall asleep after eating! Maybe you should just think of it as staying young!

          Seriously, every day at around 1:30 I could easily take a nap. I don't know if it is eating or the heat or just the number hours I have been up.

          I do know that digestion is work so maybe it is causing your body temperature to rise? Try eating small meals often. That helps me.


            This has been happening to me too. I simply must put my head down a few minutes after eating. The fatigue washes over me like a dark cloud.


              Thanks everyone

              This sleepy thing has now progressed to any time, food or not. I wake about 6:00am and by 9:30 I am falling asleep.

              I have never been a sleepy head but this has really taken a grip on me. Maybe I am going back to my childhood where I need a nap every 4 hours LOL

              Any way I have a doctors appointment to have blood work done. We'll see how that goes. I have noticed other changes that are not all that easy to accept too. My appearance has aged about 10 years in the last six month. My muscles had drooped to the point that I have what looks like a scar on my neck because the skin on has dropped so much. I have multipule roles on my arms that look like fat rolls but believe me they aren't. The doctor called it "wasting", what ever the heck that is. All I know is I have friends that are almost 15 years older than me that don't have this. Not liking this stuff at all


                It is normal to feel a little tired after eating a meal. Usually people are able to control falling asleep, kids just haven't learned to do it yet.
                Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


                  thanks everyone

                  This is much more than being tied, this almost coma like. I don't think it is normal people that fall asleep with a mouth full of coffee, or while sitting at the table eating lunch, when they weren't tied when they sat down to eat. Sure wish that the mysteries of MS would be solved. I know that I have to really pay attention when I am eating cause food would down my throat without me swallowing it I chocked once alreay and if dh wasn't home at the time, I wouldn't be typing now.


                    Hey, JoanFrances - I get this quite a bit, too, although mine's not as serious as it sounds like yours is.

                    I would really suggest talking to your doctor about it because it could be a blood sugar issue. Not something to fool around with.

                    Muscle wasting means that muscles are getting smaller, usually because they aren't being used. However, wasting can also occur when there's a problem with the nerves connecting to the muscle. I would ask your doctor if you have any questions about what specifically is going on with you.


                      Hi JoanFrances, I've had a similar problem. Recently I changed my diet and so far its helping. Basically no white flower, low saturated fat, no milk products, no processed food, and I cook most of my veggies now. I really miss my burgers + pizza + spaghetti, but I've some other foods and recipes that are really tasty.


                        What Meds are you taking?? Many of them cause excessive sleepiness!

