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    I'm just having one of those types of days....I'm tired of stumbling looking like I'm drunk when I walk or, just a baby learning how to walk...I JUST HATE THIS DISEASE...and believe me I am grateful it could be worst...It's just so hard I'm only 37 yrs old and my youngest is 8, to her mommy looks fine so why can't I do the things she wants to do...and I have a 22 and 17 yr old all girls the 22 is so stuck in her own world she wouldn't know what was going on with me until I'm in the hospital..the 17 is good help but she is starting to say hey I want to be like my big sister if she don't have to give a hoot why do I have to be the one too be here caring and helping....

    I do have a very loving DH very supportive he is always there and I'm very thankful for that my parents as well but they are getting older and can't do as much...I just feel so alone at times especially when my own daughters are not there for me..thanks for letting me vent

    I hate walking like a drunk and focusing to walk straight. I'm a teacher and can't think straight most of the time. I have three girls, 12, 10, 7, and a boy who is 5. My two youngest don't know about my ms yet, but my two oldest know and they're ok, I think because I'm walking and go to work everyday. It's easy to say that they're just being kids and let them enjoy life, just remember that they love you and that they are just young. I'm 44 and dx 8 months ago. I also hate this, there isn't a day that goes by and I'm not reminded of it. I can't think straight, headaches, balance problems, walking like a drunk, at least I could enjoy it, but I don't drink. Maybe that's the problem. Just blowing more steam. Good Luck


      Thanks Steelersone I guess I grew up different If my mom was down we was right there and was willing to step in and knew how to fill her shoes....Its scary with my MS speeding up and having a 8 year old and if my oldest act like this now wow....thank God for my husband but it would be nice to know he would have his oldest daughters to help him with the youngest I guess I'm thinking to much...


        You are not alone. I hope I live to see the day when Websites like these are no longer needed, but in the meantime, it's wonderful to have a forum where you can safely vent your disgust for M.S.!
        Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


          I sure don't love it

          What is there that you can do???? We are trapped like rats. I know it is harsh but it is true.


            It especially sucks when your kids don't understand

            I hate it when my 5 year old takes it personally that i can't play in the hot sun longer than 15 minutes, but he has to learn to amuse himself at some point. He has a 9 year old brother who knows I have Ms and has a much better understanding, he even did when he was 5 cuz I was real laid up back then. All I can do is all I can do. I used to hate the expression<"It is what it is" but now I get it. Life goes on and i refuse to feel guilty for every little thing I can't do anymore. Neither should any of us.

