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Hi, I'm Debbie and I haven't been diagnosed yet

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    Hi, I'm Debbie and I haven't been diagnosed yet

    Hi, I'm in the beginning stage of diagnosis-I've posted all about it under the "general..." board. It's all so perplexing. For years I have been having these problems and thought they were all fibromyalgia related-diagnosed in 1995...but after looking all the symptoms of MS up, It is all coming together and is explained!!! WOW. I ahd a MRI done on tues and (being too nosey and a nurse) I had to go on-line and see what a MS brain looks like, and then looked at mine and I could make out all these little white spots all over my scans. But I still had all this trust in the neuroloigist..HA !!!

    I am 55 years old and he told me they (the spots) were related to age!! So my symptoms: severe fatigue-worsens with heat and severe cold, emotional or physical stress; blurred vision when fatigued, migrains, numb hands and a numb weird circular area below my left shoulder blade, difficulty swallowing, very poor memory, impaired cognitive process (finding words to say, making judgement calls,decisions) hand tremors for many years as well as ringing in ears for forever. Also not constipation in the sense of not going often, but in the hard stool and difficulty moving it.

    In 2004 entire left side of body went numb for 2 days-negative tests-told by neurologist it was emotional;2008 double vision with such bad dizziness I couldn't stand-slowly got better after a week-all negative tests. But enough about that. I am single-which scares me alot right now, but I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself. I have 2 dogs, both rescues-a beagle named Toby and a German Pinscher-named Simon; 2 cats-a ragdoll named Spencer and a Norwegian Forest Cat named Phoebe and finally a Quaker Parrot named Skye. I have a grown son who is 30 and 2 sisters and 3 brothers, but only my baby sister and son live somewhat close by. And of course my mom-but my brothers and mom live out of state.

    I love gardening, and working with wood, teaching my parrot to talk and try to train my newest dog Simon. I love watching my hummingbirds at the windows and the bluebird that took a liking to my yard and birdhouse this year. Because of the fatigue I have not been able to keep up with the mowing so much and I think that is why the bluebird found my yard so inviting I've also seen a Brown Thrush in the yard-amazingly large and uniquely marked bird! And I am always on the lookout for the 2 bald eagles who live near-by and can sometimes be spotted flying about or perched above. I live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in Centreville...Anyway that's a bit (probably too much) about me

    **post edited by Moderator to break into paragraphs for easier reading! many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print**

    Hija Debbie. I just came to this part of the site and found YOU!! I read your post on Gen discussions. Your symptoms and pattern are similar tho I have never had numbness.

    I cannot believe two things: that you cannot be diagnosed cuz of your age, I am 61 and many of my symptoms started 20 years ago. And that they blamed your numbness on emotional stuff..geez. Get with it.

    Do you have a good MS doc? I see another one for a 2nd opinion June 3rd. I had one who monitored me for MS since 2004 then said, NO you do not have MS after I Needed to leave his practice cuz of insurance.

    I do have lesions and when I had a new diagnosis earlier this year, had an exacerbation in March and ended up in hospital for IVSM. BUt this neuro wants a MS doc to make sure and help with DMDs.

    I am a widow..few years..on disability from hospice social work and have 3 grown children and 7 grandchildren.

    Because I was just diagnosed with seizures, I cannot drive. So I am on this forum ALOT !!

    I'll talk more spine is killing me and its hard to sit.

    Thanks for listening..hope we can get to know each other more.

    Warmly, Jan
    I believe in miracles~!
    2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
    Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


      Hello Debbie

      Welcome to MS World. Nice to meet you!

      Sorry to learn that you are having so many symptoms, and no diagnosis. Are you going to have more tests done?

      Sounds like you love your animals - dogs, cats, a parrot - and even your outdoor birds too They can be a good diversion from your worries!

      Hopefully you will benefit from using these forums. And hope to see more of your posts too.

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        Hi Debbie. I was diagnosed at 45 with a lot of "white spots all over my brain" back in 2002. A lot of people blamed my age for problems whenever they weren't busy noticing I walked like a drunk, was weaker and got tired sooner than they remembered.

        Luckily my neurologist and the radiologist who saw my MRI were experienced with MS and after a few tests to eliminate other conditions that can present MS mimics I quickly received my diagnosis.

        Hopefully you don't have MS but you receive answers to whatever is bothering you. Good luck to you in your DX hunt. I hope you enjoy MSWorld no matter what you may have and you get answers soon.

        Nice to meet you.


          Thanks Jan

          Originally posted by mjan View Post
          Hija Debbie. I just came to this part of the site and found YOU!! I read your post on Gen discussions. Your symptoms and pattern are similar tho I have never had numbness.

          I cannot believe two things: that you cannot be diagnosed cuz of your age, I am 61 and many of my symptoms started 20 years ago. And that they blamed your numbness on emotional stuff..geez. Get with it.

          Do you have a good MS doc? I see another one for a 2nd opinion June 3rd. I had one who monitored me for MS since 2004 then said, NO you do not have MS after I Needed to leave his practice cuz of insurance.

          I do have lesions and when I had a new diagnosis earlier this year, had an exacerbation in March and ended up in hospital for IVSM. BUt this neuro wants a MS doc to make sure and help with DMDs.

          I am a widow..few years..on disability from hospice social work and have 3 grown children and 7 grandchildren.

          Because I was just diagnosed with seizures, I cannot drive. So I am on this forum ALOT !!

          I'll talk more spine is killing me and its hard to sit.

          Thanks for listening..hope we can get to know each other more.

          Warmly, Jan
          Thanks for your reply, All of this is kinda scary to me. I found a new neuro dr but can't see him until the 23rd of June. In the meantime I am so fatigued some days I can't manage much. And I am single so it is all on me. My yard is suffering the most, and my poor little dogs trying to trudge thru the high grass! I haven't had any close friends for sometime because few people understand fibromyalgia (or what I thought were FMS) problems and the fatigue and pain R/T it. And my family is not close by. I've been on short term disability since 23 of March so money is a constant worry too. And yet if I get stressed my fatigue gets worse. Man oh man what a dilemma! Anyway my e-mail is ****e-mail address removed as per our guidelines. You may put it in your profile**** if you would like to become pen pals; I think it would be fun and helpful too...Debbie


            I think getting a correct dx is all up to what insurance you have and how much your nuro or Dr depends on that bonus that it gets for not dx MS.



              Originally posted by rubberlegs View Post
              I think getting a correct dx is all up to what insurance you have and how much your nuro or Dr depends on that bonus that it gets for not dx MS.
              What bonus?? I've never heard anything about bonus's for not diagnosing a condition..please explain...Debbie

