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Any tips for taking care of kids when newly disabled

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    Any tips for taking care of kids when newly disabled

    Hi Everyone ... summertime is approaching but this will be a new summer experience for me because it is the first year that my illness has limited my mobility. I'm honestly dreading it even though it used to be my favorite time of yer. My boys are 7, 11 and 14 and I'm thankful that they are a little older now and can help me out - hopefully. In ways they are really easier than having little ones but in other ways more challenging. I NEED SOME PRACTICAL ADVISE AND TIPS.

    I was trying to use crutches but fumbled around with them to much so I borrowed a walker. I have a wheelchair I'm needing about 50% of the time but it doesn't have the wheels that enable me to push myself. Step one yesterday was having the Dr. order me one I can manuever for when I do need the chair.

    This frustration is new to me and I need to get a grip on it and "make it work". I can't get to them as fast to stop their arguments, check their chores, or check on them in general. I don't have the energy since I'm dealing with alot of pain and fatigue to ask them to do the same thing over and over. And I don't have the energy to pick up after them.

    I appreciate any tips.

    Step one for me is getting the proper mobility devices and I'm working on that now.

    Another idea is to have them involved in a few "free" summer activities.

    I want to stop babying the 7 year old. He is old enough to pick out his own darn clothes and pick up his own mess. He is working me :0

    Talk to the older brothers about doing what I say the first time I say it or consiquences.

    Make dinner earlier in the day when I feel better, then just heat it up at night.

    I'm slower, fussier and distracted by my pain and need practical advise to manage summer.

    Any advise is much appreciated.

    Ahhhhh, boys! I have a couple too. Wouldn't trade them for anything, most days anyway....

    They are most definitely old enough to help you out and would benefit from chores - especially those that require teamwork. Isn't that why we have kids?

    Your youngest certainly is most capable of cleaning up after himself, and taking out the garbage. Don't let him play you anymore.

    All three are capable of doing at least their own laundry, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming, etc.

    Your 11 and 14 year old can learn to make simple meals in order to take charge of dinner a couple of times a week.

    These chores will also help them to be self sufficient, and their future wives will thank you.

    You didn't mention a DH, but if you do have one around, enlist his help as well.

    As far as activities, have them register for things with friends and then you can share the driving responsibility. Carpools rock!

    Take a deep breath, and remember - you are priority one here. Because as the old saying goes, "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

