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    I just can't seem to get myself out of a very deep hole. I checked the MS Society web site and found that yes, depression is a sx. How so? What causes this?

    I don't want to go to work, I don't want to watch TV - I just don't want to do ANYTHING.

    I haven't felt this "down" since I found out my wife was cheating on me six years ago. (but I fixed that!!!)

    Any explanations?

    Thanks...and may God bless.
    "Tona Naze"
    Symptoms for six years plus. Dx RRMS September 2011. Drugs??? Nope!!!

    Hello oso49,

    Depression can have many causes ~ damage from the disease process to the brain, situational, medications, ect.

    Regardless of the cause treatment will be the same ~ medication and/or Psychotherapy.

    Take care
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      I'm with ya.

      I have no interest in anything anymore, and my appetite is much less.

      My wife says I am distant a lot, and that is the reason I will try some meds for this. I hate taking more pills, and just stopped Ampyra after 3 months of no effect.

      I'm researching a mild anti to see what works.
      I have no explanation. It's psych stuff, and I know I need somethintg.
      Give it a try.


        Originally posted by SNOOPY View Post
        Hello oso49,

        Depression can have many causes ~ damage from the disease process to the brain, situational, medications, ect.

        Regardless of the cause treatment will be the same ~ medication and/or Psychotherapy.

        Take care
        I agree with Snoopy (as usual!).

        It's the MS itself, or it's the situation(s) in which we find ourselves, or it's the medications we take (especially the interferons).

        Getting on an antidepressant can be helpful, but may take a period of trial and error finding the right one for you. Talk therapy can help too, but usually in combination with medication rather than alone.

        Please talk to your doctor(s) about the way you've been feeling. As a major depressive myself, I hate to think of you suffering needlessly!

        Mitakuye oyasin,



          thank you

          Thanks to all for your kind and supportive words. I'm going to call my neuro this afternoon and see what he can do.

          Take care and may God bless.
          "Tona Naze"
          Symptoms for six years plus. Dx RRMS September 2011. Drugs??? Nope!!!


            I also had problems early on and my nuero felt I just wasn't getting the relaxation I needed when I was sleeping, we tried 3 different meds and found one Amitriptyline that worked good for me after working out the dosage, I have since gone off of it and no longer need them, but I was on avonex and copax when I was taking them,now on Ty.
            Plan for the future, but not too hard; it’s not your decision anyway


              I am on Citalopram for depression and I don't think I could cope without it. I hate medications too but when your quality of life keeps going down hill I had to try something. I am too fatigued to have any interests any more. Working (in an office chair) 8 hours of day is just about all I can do. I can focus on my work I guess because I know the consequences if I don't. Anything else, even things I like to do, has a very short attention span. I hate it! BUT I always try to find something good in the day! This too shall pass!!!


                I have been on Lexapro for many years for depression, but recently I felt just like you. Called neuro's office an am now seeing a therapist once a week. I like her and she seems to be helping. Because of the MS and Rebif, my insurance is paying for it. If they suggest it, try it. It seems to be helping just to have advice from someone who is not related to me. Plus I hate to complain to my family, so I complain alot to her. No matter what she thinks, she has to listen cause that is what she is getting paid for.



                  I was just dx'd with MS in April. I've been on Celexa for 5 years now.

                  This past week I've felt like everything is coming down on me. I have a 5 year old son and he is sad because daddy is tired all the time. My poor wife understands, but it doesn't lessen the burden that she has to bare because I can't function.

                  I'm frustrated with all my docs and I've fired 2 already. Just found out that we have an MS Center an hour from me. I'm seeing a new neuro on the 30th! It's not coming fast enough.

                  I guess I'm saying this to let you know that I feel your pain brother! God bless you too!


                    I am glad you have acknowledged you are feeling depressed and willing to deal with it , as it really can get overwhelming.

                    I know several people who had good luck with anti depressants of some kind - your Dr will be able to best advise for you -

                    I have been fighting some depression myself , but it is my SO that has MS with a recent dx - it is a very difficult thing to wrap your mind around

                    I hope you will get some relief from your depression soon
                    Peace ~~ Kat


                      Sorry your feeling down and out. I know those aren't the right words, but just wanted you to know that your feelings can and hopefully will change.

                      I did go thru a period where I lost interest in the things I normally enjoy doing--going to the casinos, playing cards, bingo, going out anywhere.

                      I did get thru it by myself (no meds), but everyone is different. When my neuro dx me, he handed me some samples of pills for depression and said I would probably need them as a good percentage of people with MS suffer from depression. This got me good and mad and I swore I would never use them. Although there were times when I thought maybe I should check into some.

                      The dx itself is depressing and then many of the meds we take to hopefully make our lives better, can cause us to be depressed also. In the end it's a personal choice.

                      I hope you start feeling better soon and can enjoy your life and once again do the things that make you happy! Casino


                        Unless you've been struggling for years to get a diagnosis, there is no way known that having MS can be other than depressing.
                        Yes, yes, life-changing challenge, incredible healing journey, God only gives me what I can take, I feel so much more alive now that I cherish every day. I've heard it all.
                        Sorry. MS is an incurable neurological disease, it's only going to get worse, and even the most Pollyannish person alive would struggle to find a plus side.
                        Maybe depression is a symptom or a side-effect of medication, but I think it's a perfectly normal reaction to the situation in which you find yourself.

