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question about symptoms

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    question about symptoms

    Hello to everyone,

    I wanted to post and maybe talk to some people who have been diagnosed with MS.

    I'm 27 years old and am currently being advised by my doctor (as soon as my insurance goes into effect) to go to the ER and have a spinal tap and an MRI done.

    I have been suffering from a rash of symptoms that she suspects are related and may lead to a diagnosis of MS. In January I sat up in bed and could not see. At all. My vision came back in a minute or two, but since then I get a fuzzed out white spot in the vision of my right eye. It too comes and goes, and is only generally there a few minutes, but sometimes multiple times in a day.

    In March I started to get a sense that my eyes were jumping back and forth if I laid on my stomach and read a book or looked down. Now, if I tuck my head to my chest, that sensation and jumpiness in my vision comes back.

    At the end of July I got bronchitis very quickly and was given Ciprofloxacin for it on Aug. 2nd. I started to have pain in my tendons all over my body. It was worst in my knee and my achilles, but was happening everywhere. I stopped the Abx Aug. 6 or 7 and went to the doctor. I was playing water polo for college, and would go home with swollen red shoulders and pain everywhere. I saw the sports medicine doctors at school, the trainers, and did everything by protocol, iced, anti-inflammatories, etc.

    I saw my doctor again on August 19th with severe joint pain all over my body. She tested for Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatic Fever, Scarlet Fever, Lyme, secondary infections, HIV, Thyroid problems… Everything has come back normal. All of my bloodwork has been clean and well within normal values.

    I have been back in to see her a few times since then, and saw her last on the 31st. Since the first visit on the 19th I have the following symptoms

    - systemic tendonitis

    - joint pain in my ankles, knees, feet, toes, hands and fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders. It comes and goes and gets flare-ups from moving around. It can be anything from achey and sore to feeling like a red-hot poker has been stabbed into the joint.

    - a burning sensation in my joints

    - a burning cold pain on my skin, like you feel if you put an ice cube on your skin and hold it there. This starts in my hands and moves up my forearms and into my upper arms when it gets very bad. It makes me feel like I need to hold my arms in ice water. I also feel it in the tops of my feet and ankles.

    - shooting "electric" pains that go from my hand or wrist into my forearm. These are generally followed by burning and tingling of the skin on my hands and arms as well as a crushed feeling in the bones of my hands.

    - tremors and shakiness in my hands and arms. My handwriting has gotten small and cramped because if I write normally it is all squiggly now. It feels like it takes a ton of effort to do anything that involves fine motor skills and that the shakiness gets worse the harder I try to do something.

    - Muscle weakness in my arms and legs. My legs wobble going up and especially down stairs, like they don't want to support me.

    - Hearing things, like the "brrrrring brrrrring" sound of a telephone when bend my arm at the elbow. This happened to me in the bath one night. Every time I straightened my arm it would stop. Now I hear a sound like the ice cream man is blocks away when a fan is on in my room.

    - Waves of dizziness and nausea. I assume this is vertigo? I've never experienced it as a negative thing before. I have always loved the feeling when flying or on roller coasters or thrill rides.

    - I feel very tired very easily. I have not been in school since the 17th of August and have not driven since then. I was under orders to stay in bed from my doctor due to the tendon pain and dizziness. But just walking around the house, or around a Target for 20 min or so leaves me exhausted and ready to pass out.

    - Very deep pain in my legs when resting. This is something that is recurring and has been for quite a while. Starts generally around my ankle and moves up to my hips sometimes. I describe it as feeling like the long bones are bending with the weight of gravity. It's excruciating. It was a horrible bout with this pain that caused me to sit up the night that I couldn't see.

    - Loss of coordination when walking/stumbling and a slowed mental reaction time. Also a tendency to say a word and have it come out nonsense syllables instead of what I meant to say.

    My doctor put me on prednisone first, which did nothing, then on a 6 day course of 4mg solu medrol This had a small improvement by days 3 and 4, then the symptoms came back. I have been on 800 mg of motrin and vicodin around the clock since the 19th, and they both do pretty much nothing but make me feel a little numb and give me a stomach ache.

    My doctor started out thinking that this could have been an allergic reaction to the Cipro I took, but things have been getting worse instead of better, and as I talked to her more, she said she didn't think it was the Cipro, or if it was, then it could have triggered something auto-immune.

    I have always been a very active person. I play water polo, I run and do half-marathons and triathlons. I swim, surf, and love to be active.

    Since the beginning of August I have gone from a very fit and active 27 year old girl to a 27 year old girl who can't move around without crutches and braces on both wrists, both ankles and both knees.

    I am terrified. When I started talking about the burning skin and hearing things, my doctor told me that medically, her advice was to immediately go to the ER and see a neurologist and have an MRI and a spinal tap done, as well as whatever else they decide to do. She said that since we have ruled out so many other things, she has to consider things like MS or tumors or cancer. We unfortunately had to apply for medical insurance first.

    I am sorry that this is so long and detailed, but the doctors do not know what is going on with me at all yet and I was hoping that the community here could tell me if what I am experiencing sounds like it could be MS or like something else.

    I have to wait until the 15th to schedule the MRI and spinal tap so right now I am in that worst spot of waiting to find out what's making me feel so horrible and what has happened that has turned my life upside down in such a short time.

    I find that every day I feel worse overall and the stress of waiting to see is not helping.

    I would so greatly appreciate it if anyone could help or respond at all.

    Current Dx: Poss. MS pending MRI / LP
    *Living In Limboland*

    Hi Dennah, and welcome to MSWorld!

    I'm sorry you're having such a frightening accumulation of symptoms with no diagnosis yet. To my nonprofessional ear it sounds like you might possibly have MS, but there could be other explanations not yet revealed by testing.

    I agree that an MRI, and possibly a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), are warranted, but I have to tell you that going to the ER is not the way one normally goes about getting those tests done. What you need is a referral to a neurologist, who will order those tests for you at a hospital (but not in the ER). Alternatively, your present doctor could order them for you...but again, not in the ER.

    I say "possibly a lumbar puncture" because an MRI alone may be sufficient for a diagnosis of MS, coupled with your medical history. The lumbar puncture is more often done after the MRI, if the results of the latter are inconclusive. Some of us have been diagnosed without ever having a lumbar puncture.

    I hope you find some answers soon, and are able to start on a treatment that will get whatever's wrong with you under control.


      my thoughts exactly--what about seeing a neurologist? if there is a neuro you can see who also does a lot of MS, that might be even better.


        Thanks for reading, and more questions! I know...sorry.

        Sequoia and lem, thanks to both of you for reading and replying.

        Even hearing that it "could" be MS is scary beyond belief, but I'm still glad to have stumbled across this site in my search for answers.

        Speaking of answers, I think that my primary, who works as a wonderful doctor at the local low-income clinic, wanted me to go to the ER because, as I understood it, believed that with my presenting symptoms and neural disturbances (hearing things, burning skin, etc), that they would then refer me right away to a neuro AND order the MRI and spinal tap. At that time I had no insurance so I think in her mind it was possibly the fastest way to get the testing that she wants done. It would have been very expensive though.

        Thankfully I got approved for Kaiser Southern California in the past week. My policy starts on the 15th so I feel a lot better about just skipping the ER altogether, although I did have a period the other night where my jaw was shaking uncontrollably, and was positional (ie, would lessen to a strong vibration if I was lying down, but would get worse sitting up and go back to shaking if I stood), and I had burning directly over my spine and my lips and tongue started to go numb.

        The shaking stopped the next day but the burning back has not, so I am going to go do a walk-in with my doctor today at 1:30 to give her updates. I will let her know that my insurance starts on the 15th and see what she wants to do from there. If she doesn't have any specific neuro that she wants me to go see I will see if she has any primary that she wants me to see with Kaiser who may have referral ideas.

        Fortunately a family friend of mine is friends with Dr. Al Ray, who is on the Board at Kaiser and has been Dr. of the Year in San Diego AND is apparently a brilliant diagnostician. They are going to call him and ask if he has a personal recommendation for who I should go see next.

        Right now I'm still waiting to see, although I do plan on asking my Dr. today about new pain meds. I take vicodin right now, but the tylenol aspect of it makes my stomach hurt. She brought up tramadol last time. Does anyone has info on how that helped them, side effects, etc? I also want to ask if there's any other symptom treatment she can advise. I tried the steroid dose, but I have been hearing a lot about beta blockers (forgive me if I didn't name it right). Again, any thoughts on whether that could be a way to go? I'm new to all of this and I'm not really sure what options there are for me to bring up to my doctor even if she doesn't mention them.

        I'm also planning on asking if there is ANY sort of exercise that she feels comfortable clearing me for. I'm convinced that some of the muscle weakness I feel, especially in my legs, is due to lack of activity. I want to be walking. Well, I WANT to be running, but I'll settle for walking. Or swimming. I have access to a pool every day if I need it, so I'm hoping she said it's ok.

        I have one more question for everyone, about exercise. Since my biggest symptom right now is tendonitis that won't go away I know I'm limited in what I can do and how far I can push my body. Has anyone else had to deal with tendonitis as a sx and how did they try to stay active with it? What about things like light yoga or pilates? I would imagine gentle stretching might help, since from what I understand, tendonitis is generally a tightening of the tendons that leads to inflammation.

        I miss being active and really hope that my doc and I can work something out so that I can at least start to get a little activity in.

        Thanks again!

        Current Dx: Poss. MS pending MRI / LP
        *Living In Limboland*


          I would guess that swimming is your best bet, at least til you see docs, and get more clearance. We cannot advise you, and you aren't even sure of an MS diagnosis, so being that you will see the doc in a couple of days, I would wait.

