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    I don't want to offend anyone with the suggestion but this is what I did.

    I found another profession. I tried something different that was easier on me mentally and physically and was able to keep working and not have to depend on the government for disability.

    I know this is not possible for everyone. But, I think that it is possible for many.

    There may come a day when I cannot work..but until then I am happy in my newfound life.

    There are many choices.

    Diagnosed with MS spring 2010; Still loving life


      Originally posted by justacowgirl View Post
      I don't want to offend anyone with the suggestion but this is what I did.

      I found another profession. I tried something different that was easier on me mentally and physically and was able to keep working and not have to depend on the government for disability.

      I know this is not possible for everyone. But, I think that it is possible for many.

      There may come a day when I cannot work..but until then I am happy in my newfound life.

      There are many choices.


      I prefer to work than to receive disability. Right now I am just doing a little research on my options. Some days I feel I can no longer work some days its not that bad.

      I will continue to work. My job is not stressful nor strenuous... I pretty much work at my own paste. It's just the fact of sitting at a desk all day.. horrible on the neck/shoulders. I know I need to take several short breaks.. which I will try hard to start doing.

      I received a call from the attorney's office and the lady informed me, I can only be working 10 hours week when I apply for SSI.. My position requires more than 10 hours week. It's really a shame the way SSI is set up.

      Ms. Jay



        In my opinion, you will probably need to explore more treatement options before the posibility of disability.

        Have you tried massage or accupuncture?

        Can you cut back your expenses and possibly cut down to part time, during the disability process?

        There are other DMD besides Copaxone. Do not assume that they will definately have bad side effects for you.

        Work with your doctor and other heathcare providers to try and help minimize your symtoms.

        Usually, the disability will cover until your SS kicks in. But, that to is a process that you may have to prove your disabiiity before it will kick in. Not as bad as SS, but still have to prove it.

        Good luck.
        God Bless and have a good day, Mary


          Originally posted by futurmil2b View Post
          I pretty much work at my own paste. It's just the fact of sitting at a desk all day.. horrible on the neck/shoulders. I know I need to take several short breaks.. which I will try hard to start doing.
          i hate to state the obvious & i'm certain something you have investigated--if you did....please post what you found/ did, because although i have an idea it would be important i do not know how it would be inplemented??...

          have you had your work environment evaluated for ergonomics?....if your getting neck & shoulder pain from sitting at a desk, it is not set up for for the work environment...or to obtain optimal output from the employee--which is what the study of ergonomics is for...

          neck and shoulder pain right away screams out the desk height is incorrect--but that's as far as my knowldge of ergonomics goes.

          this looks like an interesting site on office ergonomics...does your employer know you have MS and are considering disability--that may help to justify spending to improve ergonomics.


