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Hard to Walk

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    Hard to Walk

    Curious what people mean when they say it's hard to walk. For me, it's both a slowness and an effort to get my feet off the ground. Sometimes balance problems are added in; sometimes it's just "bad" walking. I'm trying to find a way to walk my way through and out of this relapse, but so far it seems I can only do a little bit and then the hidden limit kicks in with shrinking distances and cramps and I have to sit to do everything--cook, dry hair, etc.
    Would love to hear how others out there think about this topic.

    Originally posted by Citlalli View Post
    Curious what people mean when they say it's hard to walk.
    Hello Citlalli,

    Although I don't walk correctly I am still walking. The challenges of walking include bi-lateral leg weakness, balance problems, difficulty in getting my feet to clear any objects such as a door frame or area rugs and needing to concentrate on the placement of my feet. Most of the mobility issues I have dealt with, to some degree, since childhood.
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      My issues sound alot like Snoopy's. I don't generally lift my legs very high. The longer I walk, the shorter my steps become. I can trip over a shadow sometimes.

      Then when I am done- I am done. No matter where I am, when my legs decide it's over- it's over.

      When I walk alone I am slower and lose my balance more. But if I hold someone's hand or the cart or a wall- then I can go faster and not have as many balance problems.

      At pt they want me to use a cane, but I just can't do that yet.


        Originally posted by nappy View Post
        At pt they want me to use a cane, but I just can't do that yet.

        For the most part I walk unaided, however, there are times when I want or need more stability. I found I really dislike canes. My preference is Trekking Poles. You can use one or both poles. If you so choose, ask your PT about the use of Trekking Poles. I was in PT when I started using trekking poles.
        Diagnosed 1984
        “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic



          It is not easy to explain what "difficult to walk" is... I did tell the dr that it was getting very difficult for me to walk last appt and he asked what I meant .. I just said that my legs just don't work anymore!

          My legs are weak, I am unable to lift them and trip over "nothing".

          I have constant pains down the shin bone area, and seems like every step anymore is a real effort - I am slower and totally unable to walk any distance - just plain wear out in short distance anymore.

          It is even getting more difficult to get around the house unaided, but sure never leave the house without a cane.

          Snoopy - I do use Trekking Poles when I walk the dog - they do work well - we don't walk that far, but she enjoys it and keeps me trying to walk more anyway.


            Somedays are fine but others, my feet just will not move! It seems crazy bc I know they physically Can but I cant make them go! My upper thighs and knees get really weak feeling and I have to sit THEN!!! I too trip on any surface that changes or is uneven.... I have had door mats or rugs throw me off bc I stare at the ground when I'm unbalanced....somedays I used rollator others a w/c depending on if my legs will move.... My family laughs at me bc I have started trying to Force my legs to go and will talk to myself- Walk! Walk! You can't do this!! Just focus! My mom grabs my arm and says- let's go! You are worse when you "focus". But I sm trying


              Then when my legs decide it's over, it's over!

              So said Nappy.
              That's what I'm dealing with--constant daily fluctuations and not knowing how to be prepared.
              On Friday, heavy PT session. Saturday, could barely move because of cramps.
              Sunday, swam 10 laps and was so proud.
              Today, legs "strung out" and feel as if they're done before they've even done anything.

              Sorry to keep beating the same drum, but is this really what it's like for everyone? My legs work--there is no movement they can't do--; they're just not operating right. Like not enough juice. I'm worried that I'm stuck in this limbo, where everything I try seems to carry the same price: work one day, rest the next.

              It feels as if there's an invisible line I'm not supposed to cross, but I still don't know where it is.

              This is my fifth relapse in many years, but mine are long (several months) and I always panic, which I'm sure just adds grist to the mill.


                I start strengthening and gait training ( walking) in PT tomorrow. I've been in PT in the past and currently in PT but for spasms so it is all massage and things to decrease the spasms... Worried bc I know the PT will make my fatigue worse.... Doc says I am reconditioned from resting but says I am not resting enough.... I just kind of scratched my head with that one, he says there is a very fine balance- different for each of us and u just have to find it


                  Walking and I aren't very friendly these days. I, too, have trouble picking up those feet when going up stairs, in doorways. I don't know how many times I have fallen going into our house. I dread going to the store because I know I'll be hurting by the time we leave.




                    Originally posted by Sdickerson1 View Post
                    Somedays are fine but others, my feet just will not move! It seems crazy bc I know they physically Can but I cant make them go! My upper thighs and knees get really weak feeling and I have to sit THEN!!! I too trip on any surface that changes or is uneven.... I have had door mats or rugs throw me off bc I stare at the ground when I'm unbalanced....somedays I used rollator others a w/c depending on if my legs will move.... My family laughs at me bc I have started trying to Force my legs to go and will talk to myself- Walk! Walk! You can't do this!! Just focus! My mom grabs my arm and says- let's go! You are worse when you "focus". But I sm trying
                    You said just how I feel. It seems like if I think hard enough that I can get my legs moving that it will happen.
                    Unfortunately it doesn't work. But I keep trying. I'm starting PT soon at a MS center. Hopefully it will make a difference.


                      PT for gait

                      The ideas here sound good...I also take PT for walking...currently use walking aids. I willl add one idea for times not in PT...if you have a local pool/gym with pool walk in the shallow end to practice gait and balance. Try not to overdo your exercise...Stay hydrated (drink alakaline water)

                      Good Luck
                      Progressive Relapsing MS


                        For my Uncle, it is defined by slow movement and pain while trying to walk.


                          I have multiple issues. First there is foot drop. It points in a downward direction most of the time, which results in my stubbing my toe when I try to bring the leg forward when I walk.

                          Secondly there is general weakness in the leg - I think this is mostly nerve conduction, but it feels sometimes that the leg just hangs at the knee, and I have to use my hip to push the leg forward when I walk.

                          As a result of walking like this for almost 4 years now, I have a really hard time bending the leg at the knee. That makes the leg drag even more, and makes navigating stairs (especially going down the stairs) challenging.

                          Then there is balance issues on top of this. If I suddenly lose my balance I'll drop like a cut tree.

                          I use a cane almost all the time now (for balance), and when walking is especially difficult I strap on an AFO brace. That makes walking a little easier because it remedies the drooping foot. Plus I don't have to worry about turning my ankle - which happens a lot due to general weakness.


                            For me it is a very slow pace, have to think about everything now. My balance is quite poor and I have to rest often. I have been using a cane for years, a little at first, last 5 years pretty much all the time. Been on Ampyra for a month now and my walking has gotten better. I can do short walks without the cane and don't get as tired. By my next Neuro appt. I believe I won't need it much anymore!
                            Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


                              I use my canes many times....I like them plus I have some pretty fancy ones. My balance is off no matter what I do, but since being on Ampyra, my walking is faster. Yeah, I can almost keep up wth the rest of my faily when we go out.


