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    I haven't been on for awhile but I do have a question. I have had MS for 44 years. About 2 years ago I started being hoarse off and on. It gradually got worse until the present time I can hardly talk at all at anytime. Breathing feels like i have been doing heavy exercising. Swallowing a liquid is difficult. I choke on it. I know this is a problem of MS but not a common one. My question is do any of you have the same problem and how do you deal with it?


    Get thyself to the Dr, post haste

    I have had the choking problem several times. I, also, sometimes have a hoarse voice with no cold or throat problems. I brought it up to the Nurse Practitioner at my Gastroenterologist's office. Two different years they scheduled me for an esophageal (sp?) probe procedure where they found GERD disease and Barrett's Esophagus disease. The also found strictures in my throat, did a minor procedure to fix the small tears & did a stretching procedure that definitely cleared up the choking.

    Since then, I have stuck to a very strict diet to clear up the GERD & Barrett's Esophagus diseases. After the first year,the 2nd year procedure only showed one small stricture that they repaired. Please, don't hesitate to get a referral from your PCP to a GI specialist. Please don't ignore what might lead to throat cancer, so I was told.

    I continue to stay away from all types of onions, peppers, spices & acidic fruits & juices & it has been worth it.

    BTW, after the first couple of choking experienes, I went to internet & printed out instructions for using the Heimlich manuever on oneself. I practiced & klearned how to do it. Gave me a much better feeling of independence, I must say.
    Carry on, Jeeves.

