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Mind games...

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    Mind games...

    There have been countless times in the last 3 years that I wished I would've been taken seriously- not been treated like a whiner or felt like I was being humored. Now it seems things are serious enough and I wish I WAS a whiner. Now that people are taking me seriously, I keep trying to convince myself that I'm a just hypochondriac.

    Anybody else start to play these mind games with yourself as you got closer to a diagnosis? I feel like I'm trying to win tickets for a trip that I really don't want to go on...

    I think that was why I was so glad to get a diagonosis. At least now I know that I am not crazy. There were some days that I don't know how I was even able to get to work much less do an accurate job. I looked like a zombie and since I can retire in 2 years it appeared as if my employee was ready to see me go. It was a very difficult time. After I got the dx and the relapse calmed down, I am good. Learned how I have to live to not let this disease conquer me. I am on copaxone and am happy to at least have something that may slow this monster. Hang in there you are NOT crazy!!!

