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Neurosurgeon appt.

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    Neurosurgeon appt.

    Saw the neurosurgeon today.

    He confirmed that I have a blown disk at T9 and T10. Said it is bad but too dangerous to fix.

    Tried to say that my symptoms could not be from the disk. I told him that the MRI of my spine was the only test that came back "irregular" and it had to be part if not all of my problems.

    He had me point on my back to where the buzzing starts, he marked it, they put a metal bead on the spot and took an X-Ray. The buzz is on the EXACT spot of the herniation..duh!!!

    Also tested my reflexes and confirmed that I have drop foot on the left foot and zero reflex'. Said to be careful, probably why I keep tripping or falling.

    Long story short, he started me on Neurotin and wants to talk with my neuro. Said he may send me to UAB for a better work up.

    Told me in his 30 years of neurosurgery he had never seen a blown disk in the T spine. Said he had no idea how I could have done it.

    I took 500 mg of the Neurotin (Gabaphentin) tonight and I am praying the buzzing stops.

    Will update again when I know something else. I no longer care what is wrong, I just want to feel better.

    Wow, I wasn't expecting him to say in all those years he's not seen a blown T spine disc. I'm really sorry to hear about your back. I can only relate to it because I fractured a T-spine vertebre when I was 25 years old. I feel very fortunate to have overcome that injury.

    Sending healing vibes to you, I hope you do get further workup and perhaps there is something more that can be done for you. I don't think my fracture is in any way similar. I did recover, it took a few years. It was a difficult time to be that young and have so much temporary disability.


      Hi Wobbler, sure hope you get some answers quickly! It is frustrating I know! For years I never knew why my feet felt different, I just knew that they weren't "normal" anymore.

      Hang in there and sending "good thoughts" your way!


        Thanks for the support

        Thanks for the support.

        Feeling a bit "drunk" this morning or out of focus from the Neurotin...weird.

        I am sure it is an adjustment. I don't have to go anywhere so I can wait it out.

        I am really hoping that it helps. I want to wait to do anything else with Dr's (UNTIL or IF) I have another relapse.

        I am over this but not fed up ... I am honestly in a good place. BTW: Treating the H-Pylori did so much for how I feel

        I pray you are as well as possible.


          I hope you get some answers. I have a degenberated disc in my back, cannot remember number.....but it is not badenough for anyone to do anything. Neurontin helps a little, hope it helps you alot.

          Let us know. Pain is not easy to deal with and even more when docs either cannot or wi not help. I have some vicoden left from when I had my teeth pulled and dh has some from ACS injury and I just take them when my pain gets really bad. that helps....Maybe after all this stuff with you, you can go to a pain clinic.

          Hope things work out soon.


