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I think I got a flare starting...

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    I think I got a flare starting...

    So, its been a while since I last posted, like a long while. I went into remission I guess you call it? No symptoms no nothing its been great. But lately I have been having some issues... nothing major but wanted to see what you all thought.
    My memory has been, spotty the other day I put on one earring and then suddenly totally forgot how to put on the other one.
    I am exhausted (that could be thanks to the new puppy and having to get up in the middle of the night to take him out) but regardless I am catching myself dozing off during the day.
    Dizzy spells, small pain in the head... like pinched nerve feeling almost.
    Other odd opps I forgot to do that... where did I put that... crud I needed to do that... and then just no energy or just a feeling of blah... wondering if its time to talk to the doc about it. Its been quite a while since I have felt this way.

    Just seeing what you guys thought, dont want to make something out of what could potentially be nothing, yet if it is something I dont want to wait....

    thanks all!