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Feeling exhausted...

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    Feeling exhausted...

    I have had MS for about 1 year. I have been on Copaxone injections. I feel horrible when I miss my injections, so I have been trying to continue the injection everyday to prevent symptoms. But even when I do my daily injection, I constantly feel exhausted. I have a Monday through Friday job where I need to commute about 45 minutes there and back each day. No option of changing jobs. Any suggestions on feeling less exhausted? I feel that way if I get 7 hours of sleep or 12 hours.

    Plus almost the whole weekend every weekend I am in bed resting from exhaustion. My body just feels tired all the time. I told my neurologist, he said just get rest and do my shots. Please help! I will be going on a big vacation, driving from CT to Florida in a few days and want to feel good for the drive, plus the week that we will be there. What helped you? I have taken the week of Medrol before, the first and second time I felt amazing after, very refreshed. But the last time, it just took away the eye pressure/pain, and the migraine I had. Still felt exhausted. I would appreciate any suggestions you have.. Thanks!!!!!!!

    Sorry your experiencing fatigue. It is one of the horrible side effects of MS! There is a medication called provigil. Talk to your doctor and see if that one is right for you. It could possibly help. Hope you feel better
    Dx with RRMS :April 2007
    Meds: Copaxone



      Try Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl L-Carnitine supplement.

      It is a combination pill, and it has helped many..including myself. But like everything, it might not help. Give it a few weeks to see.

      Rest doesn't seem to help. It is just a part of MS.


        I take Provigil because I used to fall asleep all the time at work and while I was driving. It has been a Godsend. It doesn't make you feel wired or drugged up, just awake. I have not had an episode of excessive daytime sleepiness since taking it. Not even on the first day.

        I seriously fell asleep everyday on my 10 minute commute to work, then fought falling asleep (unsuccessfully) at my desk all throughout the day. It has not been an issue at all since the Provigil. I read about the medication before taking it and most people who posted about it were MS sufferers and having lots of success with it.


          Hello ttmont416,

          There are medications that can be tried as well as exercise.

          Information about MS and fatigue:

          Diagnosed 1984
          “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


            I am a big fan of two anti-oxidants, acetyl L-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid. They have done wonders with that bone-weary, battery-draining fatigue that I dealt with for years. I took several different things for fatigue (amantadine, Focalin, and Provigil) and none of them worked very well. One of them just hypered me up, one of them didn't do much at all, and Provigil gave me severe chest pain.

            I've been taking ALA and ALC for almost two years now, and they work great for me. The thing I like best is that I don't get the "hypered" up feeling that I got with prescription meds, plus, these are natural substances that our bodies need anyway, so I'm not doping myself on something unnatural. In addition, studies have shown that they may be beneficial in treating MS, so great benefits all around.

            Here's another post about these two supplements that I just recently posted. Check it out!

            Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
            Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
            Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!



              I really appreciate everyone giving me advice on what to do about my fatigue. I contacted my neurologist, and they are going to give me Provigil or Nuvigil. I am going to pick it up later and try it tomorrow. I hope it works! I dont like feeling exhausted and drained 24/7. I have a big vacation coming up Thursday, not sure if it works that fast or not, but will be excited to see the possible results. Cant remember what it feels like to be energetic and not soo tired. Thank you for the advice!!


                Good deal. I hope it works really well for you. I hear good things about it. Enjoy your vacation, too. Every minute. Maybe you'll find that the meds help you all the time. Wouldn't that make a vacation priceless if it led to that!
                What if trials of this life
                Are Your mercies in disguise?
                "Blessings; Laura Story"


                  Feeling Exhausted

                  I'm so sorry you are so exhausted. I go through that a lot. I've had MS for 37 yrs & I have the high fatigue. I also work 32 hrs a week. I did work 40 but I just couldn't handle that any more. Besides my MS & fatigue I am now taking care of my 96 yr old mother & under a lot of stress.

                  Stress can make us so very tired. It's not easy to stay away from stress, life itself is stressful then we get MS & all that goes with it. If you can get rid of some stress I think you'll find yourself a little less tired.

                  When I decided to go back to school & work I knew I had to give up a lot of things so for the past 20 yrs it's been raising my kids & working. I very rarely go out after work or on weekends. I try & conserve as much of my energy as I can. But I have to admit I'm getting tired of doing that. I would like to retire & my husband & I get in our RV & take off. That's our dream now. We won't have a lot of money or savings but it's getting harder & harder for me to get up & go to work.

                  Fatigue I feel is the hardest part of having MS. I know a lot of people that have MS but not the fatigue & don't understand how it feels to be so tired you are literally sick. Some drs have a very hard time with it. I'm lucky I have found drs that totally understand it & don't always tell me to get 8 to 12 hrs every night. They know that it doesn't matter how many hrs you get you're still tired. It took me awhile to find them but I did.

                  Staying positive makes it easier too. Stay well & just rest. That's all you can do.

