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A Night Out....With Scary Results...

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    A Night Out....With Scary Results...

    Okay...Long story, but I have SPMS. I've become a bit of a hermit in the past two years, as things have been getting worse and worse. But last weekend, there was a local gathering with music, and my Hubby really wanted me to go with him. I haddn't seen a lot of these people in a long time, so I said okay.For the most part,it was okay. A long day, and into the night, but I got a lot of hugs,even from people that I didn't know to well. The, "I understand and care" sort of hug. I haddn't told to many people really, but word got around. There were some who questioned me, as if I needed to have a note from my doctor to prove it, but I tried not to let them get to me. More that one person gave me the "You just need more sun" deal, because thats whats out in the news now, and as we are in Alaska, they figure its "the" thing. And now we get to the scary part....
    I remember one of Dean's essays, about how she knew how good a time she'd had at a party by how bad the reaction was the next few days...I was home by Midnight, and even though I slept well, I was really out of it the next day. It was a sunny day, and about 50 or so degrees. (Alaska remember...this is warm for us in May !) My Hubby was tired too, but he'd been drinking, I haddn't. Any way, we went to sit in the sun for a bit. Joking about how its all I needed, and then I'd be cured...I lay down on the grass.
    After just about 10 or 15 minutes, I all of a sudden felt REALLY hot...I call it a flash point...TOO hot. I had my legs up, feet on the ground, I managed to put my right arm over my face, but it was still too hot. I guess I moaned or something, because my Husband said, "Gee its hot..are you hot ? I think I'll go inside..." I didn't respond...because I couldn't ! I tried to get up, and I COULDN'T MOVE ! He came over to me, and asked what was wrong,and I just stared at him.I guess that was enough to let him know I was in trouble...he was able to help me up, and once up, I was able to hobble in to the house. I was okay once I cooled off, though it happened again later in the day when I was on the bed. Cool then too, not to hot. I was able to roll over after a bit, and get up then. It hasn't happened since, but I get scared wondering what would have happened if he haddn't been there ! My usuall symtoms has been worse all week, and I got a wicked head cold to boot. (Just got my period too, but I won't go into that..Kick me while I'm down why don't you...) My Doc says I just over stressed my system. Well duh ! But that doesn't help.
    I'll think again about a night out...and if any one mentions the sun being the "Cure" to me again, I'm going to beat them with my stick !
    Thanks for letting me share....No one can understand how scary this was except you guys...

    WOW you sure have given us a warning about the sun when 50 is not so hot..the SUN is. Hey I am from Wisconsin and WE also know that 50 is a big deal.

    Seems getting all that Vit D just about knocked you out?? Yes.. good thing hubby was there. geez...but how scary.

    Yes when it rains it pours. You seem to have fun.. did your hubby too? AND it meant a lot to him for you to go with him.

    Yes how we need to educate folks huh?

    Are you improving yet? Any??

    HUGS my dear~!

    Warmly, Jan
    I believe in miracles~!
    2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
    Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


      Hi seapony in Alaska

      Boy, that had to be scary when you couldn't move! Good thing your hubby was there for you

      Doesn't it seem like everyone but our doctors think they know what is best for us and sometimes how to "cure" our MS"

      I know that the sun is a good source of Vit D, but at the same time my neuro told me to STAY OUT of the sun! When I saw him in December I asked him about me taking the Vitamin D supplement. He said sure, it can't hurt. So he told me to take 1000mg twice a day.

      Glad you had a night out with your hubby! I know it was challenging for you, I feel the same way sometimes. We can't stop living, but yet, life used to be so easy, wasn't it!?!


        Sitting in the sun is no way for me to get my vitamin D either! Like you I quickly feel a weakness coming on and have to get to the shade quick.

        I like your plan.....if anyone recommends sun....beat them with a stick, lol!


          Things are settling down to the usual dull roar now....
          Except for the Hippo in cleats thats tap dancing on my leg !
          But thats getting to be normal, unfortunatly...used to be a smaller hippo...


            wow, i never realized how warm nw pa was till i read your post!!!!! i will no longer complain about it, but can i complain about all the snow? so glad you got out! guesss most of us have to pay the price the next day or days. get rid of that hippo!!!!

            MS World
            PPMS DX 2001


