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Unpredictability of a flare

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    Unpredictability of a flare

    Is it common for a flare to come and go 2 times and come back a 3rd time and stay? The 1st 2 times were within 2 1/2 weeks and the 3rd time the flare came back 3 weeks from thwe 1st time and has not remitted yet, another 3 weeeks.

    An exacerbation (relapse, flare-up, attack) can last weeks to months. For an exacerbation to be considered "new" it needs to be separated from the last exacerbation by approximately 30 days. Symptoms that come and go or residual symptoms are common with this disease.

    If your symptoms were bouncing back an forth in such a short time I would wonder of you are simply dealing with the same exacerbation and it is taking time for it to calm down
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      no answer from me, flare can do all kind ogf things unpredictably and i only know the experiences i have had with my own....

      a flare or exacerbation is defined as new or worsening symptoms at least 30 days the first thing that strikes me is this is not 3 separate flares, but a continuous one that worsened until it reached a peak. the peak is what you called it stayed?

      then of course the temperature screws with all relapses right now.

      I'm curious if you were temporarily able to compensate for the symptoms, compensation stopped working & it appeared as if iyt relapses again.

      Just curious what is the relapse and where there any changes in your life during this time?


        I am listening....

        this is such a good question!! Cant wait to here everybody's answers!!

        I also have been struggling with something similar. Something big is going down but I keep getting new symptoms along the way with little breaks in between (some things stay longer, like numbness, while other symptoms go away. Some stuff, like burning patches and leg weakness come and go.) What the heck is going on!?!
        Since I dont have a "real" diagnosis yet, everything I say here is officially "hearsay ; )
        *undiagnosed and just hangin' in there somehow*

