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Nortriptyline for pain

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    Nortriptyline for pain

    Has anyone been on nortriptyline for pain? My doctor
    just prescribed it for me and of course I have questions.
    Thank you

    similar med?

    Is it like Amitripyline (Elavil)? Maybe a generic brand of Elavil? I took that some years ago. It was an antidepressant used also as a nerve pain medication. It worked wonders! Finally I was able to sleep--my pain had been keeping me up at night. It did give me bizarre and vivid dreams and it also causes weight gain, so step up your activity and watch those calories if it is like Amitripyline.


      It helped me sleep. It gave me nightmares. It helped with the pain. I think it did make me put on weight, but I was on it too short a time to be certain.

      If you start and have problems, don't give up too quickly. Here's my log:

      Took before bed: Nightmares!
      Took in AM: Nightmares (and some people get drowsy)
      Took 4 hours before bed: Perfect

      tip: you can get it for $4.00 per month at Walmart, Kroeger and possibly target.


        I took nortriptilyne to regulate my migraines. Took it before bed. Had to take it with milk as it caused major acid reflux. Wasn't very effective. Now I'm taking Topamax instead, which has been much better. Never heard it prescribed for MS pain though. I guess it makes sense.


          I am currently taking Nortriptyline for pain and also because I am still having such horrible migraines, even though I am on Topamax as a preventative migraine med. The Nortriptyline is working well for both the neuropathy and migraines. I don't take it during the day, though I am supposed to. I have a new 7-year old stepdaughter that I have to care for, so, I wait to take my pain meds when she goes to bed. I am usually crawling out of my skin by then...but, oh well. Plus, I work 3 days a week, so, I can't be all doped up while I am working.

          Good luck with your new meds. I hope it works for you!!!
          Jenni O.



            Thank you everyone for your replies.

