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Driving me crazy!!

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    Driving me crazy!!

    Hi everyone,

    I have a question. The back of my right calf starting feeling strange today and I have never felt this before. It kind of feels like it is itching deep inside, yet it also feels like it jumps or appears out of nowhere, calms down for a couple seconds, jumps back. It's hard to explain, but it is driving me crazy! I have tried rubbing and scratching my leg, but nothing helps.

    Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?

    Thanks for any feedback on this subject.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day!

    Dx 10/13/09 after 5-1/2 years of symptoms. Started Copaxone 11/1/2009. Stopped Copaxone 05/2012

    Itching can be a strange form of MS tingling. Gabapentin helps keep mine minimal.


      My calves are a hot bed of activity right now. they are twitching like crazy right below the popcorn popping...and I am having multiple muscle spasms/charlie horses in them at night. So, although mine aren't itching, I can surely relate to having calves that are annoying me!!
      "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" Reinhold Niebuhr


        riot and a half

        I was laughing as my legs do the happy dance - worse in the evening when want to sit still and watch TV and then when I go to bed........hope if I ignore it, they will quiet down but usually instead---------they jump and now sometimes I get cramps. Take gabapentin prn and keep tonic water next to my bed (has quinine in it)

