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Anyone else suffer from constant neuro pain?

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    Constant neuro Pain

    I have constant neuro pain,in fact mine is in the exact same primary place as Montel's(weird)!.It is all throughout my right side from the waist down,along with weakness.
    Prior to diagnosis,I had several treatments,surgical & otherwise to no avail.There is one spot,as mentioned the same as Montels...right of my umbilicus by two inches(very definitve) that pains constantly with increase stress,activity,bowel movements etc.I have used Neurontin,And many other nerve meds .
    I have also had surgery with two nerves obliterated,believe it or still hurts.

    The only treatment that has helped is a combination of narcotics,neurontin & accupuncture.And recognizing that while I do not want to take any drugs,this is what is necessary..
    So it is real...pain with MS..
    Never took a single med,very active prior to diagnosis,now I am getting to know the new me,and dealing with it!


      What's MJ?


        BigA - MJ is marijuana

        Take care,
        PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
        ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


          Usually, drug free...

          I'm kind of glad tommylee mentioned the medicinal use of MJ.

          Through those days where my whole body felt like a lightning rod and no doctors would help me manage the sickening pain I was having (I didn't want to tell anyone), I was forced to have my children go elsewhere for 2 nights and give MJ a shot.

          I can say that, during those times, it was the first time I didn't feel absolutely nauseas from pain and I could function almost normally.

          It allowed me to eat, again (I hadn't been eating ANYTHING during the days), and I finally got a few hours of sleep, until it wore off and the pain woke me back up.

          Unfortunately, MJ is NOT allowed here so it was an extremely risky, desperation driven act. After this experience, I have been looking into CT's laws and will speak up in terms of getting medical marijuana legalized. I think it could really benefit people with chronic pain over some of the narcotics prescribed.

          Please, don't tell on me!
          [insert motivational quote here]

          DX of Lyme Disease May 2010/Still under investigation for body madness


            Originally posted by ShakespeareMama View Post

            I can say that, during those times, it was the first time I didn't feel absolutely nauseas from pain and I could function almost normally.

            It allowed me to eat, again (I hadn't been eating ANYTHING during the days), and I finally got a few hours of sleep, until it wore off and the pain woke me back up.

            That sounds about right.
            It does not cure anything that I know of,(most meds don't). But it allows me to eat, keep my food in, and go about my day with the least amount of trouble.
            It's far from ideal, (I don't like smoke or the smell) but it allows me to be much more productive.

            I have a 14 yo son that knows I use it (I told him) but has never seen me use it. I'm sure he can smell it sometimes.

            I am not terribly worried that I am setting a bad example.
            I am not a "party person", avoid drugs even over the counter drugs. No stimulants; ginsing,caffeine,etc. Don't drink, have become a food nazi,(no junk in the temple!) and exercize most everyday.

            My life is not about MJ. MJ just allows me to get on with my life.

            Been using it for 10 years. Never get stoned (used to, but like most drugs it took a while to figure out.)
            Can't O.D. from it. If over used it looses it's effectiveness.
            I am 45 and did not start using MJ until I was 35 and loosing so much weight from MS I was desperate.

            My only complaints are I don't like smoke or the smell.
            I have no medical training and make no claim to be an expert on any treatment.
            That said; I think MJ has given me the most relief with the least amount of side effects.
            That is exactly what I aim for. To be as normal as possible.


              constant back pain

              I didn't sleep on my back for over ten years cuz of the pain. My neuro tried to prescribe Lyrica but I was denied. Even taking the 420 Montel route does not help my back. They finally realized after about 200 MRI's of my back and neck, that I have had 3 herniated discs in my cervical spine getting worse for over 10 years since my diagnosis. I have since had surgery, which was a frightening choice cuz u can become paralyzed but I just couldn't live with the pain anymore. I can sleep on my side now, that was gone, too. Make sure the pain is really all from the MS. Neuros tend to blame everything on the Ms once you get diagnosed. Good Luck

