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    I didn't know where to put this thread but now I know what happened, it was quite funny. I was showing my friend MS World cause her husband has MS, too. You know those new cute little things that come down the screen when you open MS World. Well I had never seen them before. Everyone knows I am in the middle of a really bad relapse. Anyway I get quite concerned about these new things happening to me cause of my relapse. I turned around to my friend looking real worried and said to her 'Can you see the little things on the screen. Am I hallucinating?' She couldn't stop laughing.

    Thanks MS World
    Diagnosed 10 years.
    Started Ty in Sept 2011

    I thought something was wrong

    with my computer at first!

    Then I looked more closely...fireworks
    T-tk (dx RR 10/08 Copax.2008)
    Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way.


      I am so glad you told me they were fireworks. I did not know you did things like that on the 04th July. You must think I am so simple. Is it a big American thing. How thick am I but I gave my friend a good laugh
      Diagnosed 10 years.
      Started Ty in Sept 2011

