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Dizzy Spells

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    Dizzy Spells

    My husband just recently got a "possible MS" diagnosis after a MRI and some blood work. He describes his dizzy spells as his main symptom of MS but indicates that he only has dizzy spells when he is in uncomfortable places. He also has anxiety and takes medication for that. Can anyone describe when the dizziness occurs what are the circumstances-are they random or situational?

    Hello Tigergal,

    Dizziness that happens when he is in uncomfortable places would be related to anxiety.

    Dizziness or what is referred to as Vertigo that is related to MS can be quited disabling and makes some quite sick or unable to walk without fear of falling, MS related vertigo not only happen during certain situations.
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      To put a different perspective on this.

      I have long suffered from this due to situational anxiety.

      The dizziness from anxiety feels real, it can come with other physical things like a change in blood pressure up or down, rapid heart rate, sweaty hands, shortness of breath, vision fading or blackening around the edges and closing in, and vertigo.
      If one didn't know it was mental they would definetly believe it was physical, and at times especially over a long period and as one gets older, be associated with something physical.

      It can also begin to manifest itself in different situations, or seemingly at random due to general anxiety or a stress in life where it can become seemingly random.

      The way to differentiate between something physical and something mental is panic attacks will always subside when the person is taken out of the situation causing them acute stress, or within afew seconds due to a mental coping mechanism or a taught coping mechanism like slow deep breathing.

