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Do Chiropractic Alignments Help?

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    Do Chiropractic Alignments Help?

    My husband has just been given a recent "possible MS" diagnosis. I have been researching to find out more and came across some research that supported use of a chiropractor, indicating that realignment could help relieve the symptoms. I am looking for any solutions to help or explain what my husband is experiencing. Hoping to rule out MS, but educating myself if the future tests confirm the MS diagnosis. Any thoughts on use of chiropractor?

    Hi Tigergal,

    Personally, I wouldn't think that alignment of the spine would help with a condition that is basically caused by the immune system attacking the insulation on the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. MS symptoms come from the nerve impulses having to try to get through the unprotected areas of the nerves and scarred areas, which takes longer. Also, aligning the bones of the spine is not going to affect the lesions in the brain, which is where most of the symptoms begin. (And MS has nothing to do with the peripheral nerves, which go out from the spine between the vertebrae.)

    So, no, in my opinion, I don't think chiropractic manipulation would help at all. If it were that easy, we'd all be at the chiropractor's office!

    I hope your husband gets some answers and help soon. I know how scary and stressful all this can be.


    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


      Well good for you, educating and researching ways to help your hubby. And welcome to MS World.

      I have to respectfully disagree with my friend Shashi. For me, I would NOT rule out such treatments.

      I have had Chiropractic treatment for years which helped me remain as functional as possible. Now does it cure/change MS?? No..or.. as Shashi said, We'd ALL be in their offices. But I truly believe and kNOW it kept me functional.

      However with that said, I would never go to one that manipulates the spine with their adustments, but rather uses ART (Autonomic Response Tesing techniques) along with with B.E.S.T. (Bio-Energetic Synchornization techniques). Its simple and less intrusive.

      Now you will hear horror stories but that is mostly from chiros that use the cracking, manipulation of the spine. I would never go to a chiro that uses that type ot technique.

      My specialized chiro was a God-send. He was gentle, knowledgable and had much training in neurological diseases. What B.E.S.T method does is RELEASE pinched nerve bundles and allows the BRAIN to send its own electrical impulses to travel, unheaded by pinched/blocked nerve pathways, to assist in re-aligning, improving any unhealthy,misaligned, sublaxated areas which impacts on all our body systems, including immune system.

      Mine also utilizes a lot of "mind-body" connections which releases tensions through out the body. Also he knows a lot about balancing other body systems, nutritional support and mechanical issues.

      He also sent me to a specialized nutritionist who uses NRT (nutritional response testing) to determine where my system was inflammed, toxic or lacking nutrients. Meds along with our diseases rob the brain/system of the much needed nutrients to keep the brain/body functional to its optimal levels, inspite of disease processes. He could also give me nutrients/supplements that helped with side effects of needed meds.

      What most providers of health do NOT provide is nutritional counseling specific to what YOU need.

      I was detoxed from heavy metals (for example mercury 2x) that contributes to neurological symptoms. My MS neuro believed in these methods and was amazed as he could see with his own eyes/exam how my system improved. Now did it cure MS...hardly. BUT it did assist in keeping me at my optimal, so often Neuro would send me back.

      I cannot afford them now, but plan to return for their specialized, unique, optimal treatments after I am done with some expensive treatments/surgery this year.

      Good luck to you hubby..and thx for supporting him

      Warmy, Jan
      I believe in miracles~!
      2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
      Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


        Here is what the NMSS says about chiropractic treatment:

        Basically, while treatment may help with symptom relief, especially in the lower back area, there's no evidence chiropractic can slow progression.

        I've had repeated adjustments myself from a very good chiropractor. The pain and spasticity in my left hip and leg (my weak side) were relieved, but the symptoms returned fairly quickly each time.

        I wouldn't advise anyone to let an old-school chiropractor "crack" their neck, though.


          YOU ARE SO RIGHT Sequoia! I think a good message would do more good because it would help him relax a little and TALK,TALK,TALK!



            Originally posted by Sissy View Post
            YOU ARE SO RIGHT Sequoia! I think a good message would do more good because it would help him relax a little and TALK,TALK,TALK!

            Actually, massage is a really good idea! It definitely helps loosen tight muscles and reduces pain, and in my experience anyway the effects last longer than a chiropractic treatment.

            However, many chiropractors do offer massage as a complement to the adjustment. They also offer ultrasound treatments, which can be really helpful too.


              110% chiro believer!

              My chiro is actually the doc who started me on the path to my dx. She is my pcp & I see her about once a month. I also consult her before making any major health decisions.

              As wonderful as chiro adjustments are, they will not alter the course of this MonSter -- they are strictly for sx management. And not all sx can be treated by a chiropractor. Massage may be more effective for some issues.

              I agree that nutrition counseling is very helpful also. My chiro offers this and we have some areas we are working on that benefit sx management also.

              Recently I asked my chiro about injury from neck adjustments -- the odds of an injury from a TRAINED professional chiro are 1:500,000-700,000. Injuries can occur when your athletic trainer/coach/neighbor decides "cracking your neck" would be beneficial.

              I don't like the sound when my neck is adjusted but do I love the results!
              DX 10/2008
              Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
              Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
              Aubagio 01/18-09/20

              Ocrevus 09/20-present


                Many chiropractors offer nutritional counseling; some also offer testing for food sensitivities &/or deficiencies. Many also sell their own lines of supplements.

                However, not all chiropractors are well-qualified to provide these services. I'd urge anyone going the nutritional route with a chiropractor to check into his/her qualifications, and also to verify his/her recommendations with Tara Palmer, MSWorld's highly-qualified professional nutritionist, or another similarly qualified provider.

