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Sometimes it's not MS

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    I just found this. Good for you! I had a similar, though not as dramatic experience with Paxil. I dutifully put myself on antidepressants after being diagnosed, since I heard that I'm supposed to get depression (and become incontinent, but that's a different post).

    I was soon unclear, forgetting things, sleepy and stupid. I was so scared and saw a "job" counselor from the MS society. One day, waiting for the bus at around 6pm, I felt my mind clearing. I began to wonder what medicine I was taking that wasn't extended release... OMG, it was the Paxil. I weaned myself off (warning, this can have terrible results if you do this without you doctor's advice, you can't just stop) and suddenly, I came back.

    Your story is incredible and a waste, but consider it's better than the alternative.

    I'd also like to point you to an MS diet and lifestyle website. No matter what your doctor says, diets help and they certainly don't hurt (good diets). You will get plenty of energy if you change your diet.

    Here's the website, but read any cancer or heart disease diet book and you'll see the proof that it aids the body. No one's been able to convincingly prove it with MS, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work, and in any case, your cholesterol will DROP and you will feel better and avoid that stroke or whatever you might get from high cholesterol (which is a sign of other issues)


      Oh boy. Sometimes the side affects are worse than the actual disease.

      Interestingly enough there has been some chatter on the net that perhaps some of these statins are the cause for the large population with the diagnosis of Early onset Alzheimers, and other dementias as well.

      What you described sounded an awful lot like dementia.

      I am very glad you are well.. stay off of those awful things. Take natural supplements. Go to and search for drugs for cholesterol issues.

      a ton will come up. natural is always best. you can check for interactions with your pharmacist.

      take care.


        Originally posted by asiel1 View Post
        Interestingly enough there has been some chatter on the net that perhaps some of these statins are the cause for the large population with the diagnosis of Early onset Alzheimers, and other dementias as well.

        What you described sounded an awful lot like dementia.
        Dementia/Alzheimers was something my husband was doing research on That scared the crap out of me when he told me to look into the symptoms/behaviors of Dementia.

        I had NeuroPsych testing done about a week and a half ago. The NeuroPsych told me there has been quite a few cases of cognitive/memory problems seen in his field, one case reported recently by an associate. These reported cases are also from those without MS.

        The NeuroPsych I have been seeing will be doing a research paper on statins and memory/cognition but said, "don't worry, your name will not be used"

        Your story is incredible and a waste, but consider it's better than the alternative.
        I do, BigA, I do. Although, suicide was becoming a very real option to me.
        Diagnosed 1984
        “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


          Sometimes it's easier to blame the MS & drs tend to do that also once you've been diagnosed.

          I've been lucky, I have drs that finally are listening to me. I know my body & I really do try & take the meds I'm given but if I take them & I'm getting worse I just call them & let them know & believe it or not they actually listen. I'm very stubborn.

          There's so many meds I can't take. What works for the so called "normal" person doesn't always work for me. We have also found that some meds that they give can cause seizures so I'm very limited there since I had 8 gran maul seizures 3 yrs ago due to my MS.

          I just want to keep going I don't want to be so drugged up that I loose myself. I only take what I have to & I really question my dr if adding or changing a med is really necessary. We have to stand up for ourselves & let drs know that we as patients aren't going to roll over & let them use us & that there are other alternatives.

          I haven't had MS for 37 yrs & sat back & not fought. I've seen a lot of drs. Some I really liked. Some I just wanted to slap the poop out of them. If they didn't listen to me or dismissed me they never saw me again. When it comes to drs I judge in about 60 seconds whether I like them or not.

          Don't stop fighting it'll keep you going that's for sure


            Originally posted by Sammie View Post
            I've seen a lot of drs. Some I really liked. Some I just wanted to slap the poop out of them.

            Hi Sammie,

            I really understand wanting to slap the poop out of a Dr

            I am one of those non-normal people when it comes to medications. I have learned the hard way to be very careful with medications.

            Thanks for your response
            Diagnosed 1984
            “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic

