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No emotions - MS related?

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    No emotions - MS related?

    Was wondering if anyone knew about the role of MS and emotions. I was diagnosed almost 5 years ago and have been becoming more and more emotionless over the years. This probably started before I was diagnosed, but has pretty much bottomed out to where I feel nothing. No happiness, no sadness, no anger, no love. I can go out with friends and have an enjoyable time, but I have no deep emotions whatsoever.

    I went to a counselor and after talking through it for a while, he said "some people are just wired that way." I've found nothing online about this (MS-related or otherwise), but is this a "symptom" that I should ask my neurologist about?

    I'm currently on Copaxone and Ritalin (for some cognitive issues) but I don't think a lack of emotions are a side effect of either. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.


    Hi - I called it feeling emotionally "flat" and it would sometimes get worse ... perhaps a relapse of sorts. I became very anxious, went on anxiety meds, then tried an anti-depressant, and through trial and error, adjusting dosage, finally have arrived at a better place. Ask your neurologist to refer you for a counseling evaluation. You may benefit from such meds.

    The opposite of apathetic is emotional lability, an excess of tears or laughter.

    Both are related to MS.

    Reach out for help. It's not unusual.
    First symptoms: 1970s Dx 6/07 Copaxone 7/07 DMD Free 10/11
    Ignorance was bliss ... I regret knowing.


      First of all, I am sorry what you are going through.

      Can you laugh, smile? Have you lost interest in things that once gave you pleasure? Sounds like a SYMPTOM to me, just not sure its ALL MS. Could possibly be the meds, a neurotransmitter issue in the brain or LACK of nutrients that the brain needs.Inflammation on parts of the brain can also change how we feel.

      I have to say, I DISAGREE with that therapist. You used to enjoy life and find pleasure right? Or not..

      CALL and see your neuro as soon as you can. TELL the triage nurse specifially what is going on. Neuropsych testing, seeing a psychiatrist along with your neuro could be very helpful.

      Let us know how you're doing and what happens ok?

      Best to you,
      Warmly, Jan
      I believe in miracles~!
      2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
      Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


        Sounds like depression (or having a chronic illness, which is just about the same) to me - like you're the still, slow centre of a world that is going on without you.
        Perfectly normal in the circumstances, but there are drugs that might help. Just talking (or typing!) about it helps, too - probably even more.
        I, and I'm not a doctor only a former schoolteacher, do believe Ritalin can put some people into a sort of fog, where they're just a little bit detached from what's going on around them.
        And MS can make you feel like you're wrapped in a heavy, wet blanket sometimes. Might be where the term came from.
        All the best.


          Having no emotions is a symptom of depression. It's entirely possible to be depressed, even severely depressed, without feeling sad. The lack of emotion, or apathy, is just as diagnostic for depression as sadness.

          I speak from long personal experience.

          Whether the depression is caused by MS or accompanies MS is another question, and the answer is different for different people.

          Either way, a consultation with a mental health professional and getting on an anti-depressant that works for you should begin to bring you back toward normal.


            No emotions


            I posted a similar question under "relationships and caregivers" asking about my friend who has MS and seems to lack emotions. He does show anger at times but doesn't seem to show sadness, happiness, feelings for others or ability to recognize others feelings.

            Here is the quote I used: Disinhibited behaviour - Lack of empathy and failure to perceive other people’s emotions. Reasoned argument, unfortunately, usually does not work because the person with MS cannot understand. Normal consideration for others, awareness of others’ feelings … may disappear. It is helpful to remember that it is a symptom and not a conscious act.

            This came from an MS study in the UK.
            You may find it helpful.



              Thanks to everyone for taking the time to respond and for your words of encouragement and advice. I think emotionally flat and apathetic are the best ways to describe it. I can carry on normal life activities but I've often thought I am missing something.

              I've thought it could be depression, but I don't have any of the symptoms other than the emotional flatness. But I guess that is so prevalent in what I am feeling (or not feeling, as the case may be) that I should have it checked out. I'll call my doctor this week. Thanks again.

