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family w/ms ?

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  • Jenni O
    Sorry to hear about your sister. If there is a bright side, I guess it is that you will be there for her as an understanding and loving family member...unlike some family members and friends can be at times.

    I am just recently diagnosed at age 39 after 10 years of desperately searching for answers, about 15 years of "weird symptoms"...and as I look back on my childhood, I think things even started then. My mother has MS and her mother (my maternal grandmother) also had MS. Grandma was diagnosed at age 52. Each of ours have had similar symptoms but all have first presented themselves differently.

    Good luck to the both of you. Definitely get her pointed to this place. I know that I am learning a lot here as a newbie!

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  • Tawanda
    M.S. and genetics

    In my case, the familial link cannot be denied. My mother had M.S. Three first cousins, all about my age, have M.S., too. I was the latest in age to be diagnosed (40), and I think the others were in their late 20s, early 30s. Now I think I too had it a lot longer, but it took some major interuptions in my health before I woke up, took notice, and got an MRI myself. Lesions are pretty much "the reveal" when it comes to M.S. I just got my new M.S. magazine about Pediatric M.S. I just pray my DH is spared, but for sure, she is in more danger of getting the Monster than your average kid off the street.

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  • CasinoKathy
    MS doesn't discriminate when it comes to age. Some are teenagers or even younger--others in their 50's or 60's.

    From what I have read..20-40 seems when alot are dx.

    I started my first sx at age 41, not dx till 13 years later.

    I'm sorry about your sister's dx! It is good of you to be so concerned about her and not even thinking of yourself. But think of all the advice and knowledge you can give her.

    Maybe she will want to join us here. If so we will gladly welcome her with open arms!

    Good luck to you both! (((HUGS))) Kathy

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  • chalknpens
    Diagnosed at 57 because that's when I had time to look for trouble. Sorry I did. Still praying it's a mistaken case of early Parkinson's ... not that I want PD, just that I expected it. Taking shots nightly because I'm still working, will stop as soon as I can, and wait for whatever it is that's coming, in peace.

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  • BigA
    Guest replied
    That's amazing and unfortunate;; I'm sorry to hear it. I've just written my older sister and told her to be sure to get her Vitamin D and sun.

    I don't have an answer for you, but it stands to reason that there is at least a genetic susceptibilityand environmental factors, both of which you share. I've read statistics that if a sibling has MS, you're x% more likely as well.

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  • ccsitter
    started a topic family w/ms ?

    family w/ms ?

    my sister was just informed while she was in the hospital that they found lesions that they were not looking for and that they were 98 percent sure it is ms I have been dealing with ms for approx. 14 years she is only 3 years younger than me so she will be 52 this year is that not a little late in life to be dx i was 39 when dx just wondering
    call me crazy but i am more concerned if she has it do not worry bout mine anymore I just go with the flow any advise or anyone heard of getting dx in your 50s thank you and GOD BLESS