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Heart Palpitations & Shortness of Breath

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    Heart Palpitations & Shortness of Breath

    I've called my neurologist and he had me call my PCP. My DH and I went for a bike ride yesterday (not so unusual, but worth mentioning--We are training for MS150 this summer) Well, I started having what feel like heart palpitations last night... sat straight up in bed, with the urge to take in lots of deep breaths, which I've been doing and then I feel dizzy. This uneasiness feeling--it's just not my new *normal*--continued this morning and then when I got anxious, I started feeling really dizzy and lightheaded, even while sitting (usually lightheadedness happens only when I go from sit to stand). When I got scared and upset and panicky about it (I started crying when I called my drs) my fingers started tingling and one of my legs got faint pins and needles in it. My neurologist's secretary told me to call my PCP since MS doesn't cause issues with the heart but I'm scared. I am waiting until my husband gets home and a Nurse Practitioner at my PCP will see my at 6 . She did not want me driving while I was feeling like this. It kinda felt like I'd had a few glasses of wine. So, now that I am calm again a few hours later, feeling better, but the heart lightness in my chest is still there but the tingling and tearful anxiety is gone. It was just really scary and I was alone with my 4 year old.

    I'm just so sure they're not going to find anything at my PCP and look at me like it's all in my head. Almost thinking of not even going at 6:00 if I'm feeling better, but then I'm back where I started, y'know?

    I'm all outwardly, Miss Positive attitude, I am great dealing with MS, but BAM, look at the slightest potential new Sx and it feels like a brand new diagnosis all over again. Miss Positive attitude my @$$. I am scared.

    Do any of you have heart palpitations or get a lightness in your chest? Is it MS related or something else? I take Copaxone but have never had any issue like this before.

    Thanks for reading. Warmly, Marleigh

    Oh hon.. no wonder you are scared.. and with a little child..makes sense to me.

    Yeah hate when you feel so awful and they say its all in your head..but..I learned to come back with, Yes, my brain does this to me."

    Hyperventalating/and autonomic symptoms ARE scary. Your involuntary "fight or flight" system seemed to be activated. I have an autonomic dysfunction..finally diagnosed a year ago.

    They will probably run tests..schedule heart stress tests etc but remember.. to TALK to your body to calm itself down. Have dealt with this for YEARS..even driving myself to Urgent care and ERs..

    So let them rule things out..but no matter what.. you do have something going on.. and if they say anxiety..yes..anxiety is part of this autonomic discharge system..very very real..

    Hope your system settles down..and soon

    Warmly, Jan
    I believe in miracles~!
    2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
    Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


      Hey, don't take this the wrong way, but what you're describing is a panic attack.

      I think this particular symptom is an MS symptom - but instead of being set off by panic, it's damage to the brainstem or something similar in your brain that manages autonomic functions.

      I've had trouble with shortness of breath and my heart rate being way too high for some time. It comes on without warning and at times of low stress, so I don't think it's a true panic attack.

      Now when my heart rate is too high, I try very hard to lower it by biofeedback - simply breathing in, then breathing out, and at the same time, think about my heart rate going slower and slower. Unfortunately this doesn't do a bit of good for me, but give it a try - it couldn't hurt, and it will give you something to do.

      Another thing that helps is to get up and walk around if your heart rate is too high. Try to walk it down. Your heart has the signal from the brain to beat faster, so your body might as well be taking advantage of the extra blood flow. Getting up and walking around the house might trick the heart into going slower as you go slower.

      Good luck! Let us know how things go.
      "Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it" - Michel de Montaigne
      Diagnosed May 2007, relapsing-remitting


        Agree with Jensequitur

        That was my first thought reading your post - what you are describing sounds 100% like a panic attack. I get those frequently - and they SUCK!!! It is a terrifying experience - I truly thought I was dying the first time I had one.

        I also have PSVT (Paraoxmyl (sp??) Supraventricular Tachycardia - I have heart palpitations that will occur spontaneously and last for 20 min to an hour. I was finally diagnosed with PSVT when I landed in the ER 8 months pregnant with a heart rate of 298 bpm.

        A move that my cardiologist taught me (that also helps A LOT with panic attacks) is to stimulate your vagal (again sp?) nerve. You can do this by holding your breath, or bearing down like you are trying to have a bowel movement - or pushing like in labor.

        With the panic attacks - when the hit you, you have to talk yourself through them. Read up on panic attacks, and become knowledgeable about the triggers and symptoms. Remember that knowledge is power - and when a panic attack strikes you start telling yourself "This is only a panic attack. I am 100% safe and this will not harm me." Breathe through it - and have someone hold your hand if need be!!

        Wishing you all the best - I know how scary these things are/can be - I will say a prayer for you!!!


          I agree with everyone that responded. I had the same symptoms happen to me 2 years ago. I checked with my neuro who had no clue so then had several tests with my cardiologist, gastrologist and my gp. All was fine and I concluded it was a panic attack. I think I didn't realize how being in certain public gatherings was becoming stressful for me. The thought of standing too long or walking too far in a settting I was not completely sure of was triggering the symptoms, I just didn't connect the dots. The breathing difficulty would even happen when I was just picking out what to wear! I think alot of it is being comfortable in my own skin - I am at the point where I should probably use a walker if I want to walk any kind of distance but instead struggle with a cane. It's tough taking that next step! ha ha I hope it is just a panic attack and you can find some techniques to help.



            Thank you for responding.

            By the time I went to my PCP last night, I felt much better. Dizziness gone and only a little lightness left in my chest periodically and as long as I stayed calm, very little shortness of breath.

            They ran some tests taking my blood pressure lying, sitting and standing. My pulse was normal. Did an EKG, and took some chest x-rays. Then (overkill, but better safe than sorry) sent me to the ER several towns over to rule out a pulmonary embolism? (sp?) with contrast and a CT scan.

            While I was waiting in the ER with my husband, it happened again--almost exactly like that morning--dizziness, shortness of breath. I started getting upset and felt faint and my hands and even my lips and tongue started tingling, so I was relieved I was *there* and somehow even, that it wasn't all in my head. I had even started questioning myself--like was it really that bad in the morning, or was I being dramatic, but no, it was just as scary the second time.

            And now after reading your posts, I feel like I will be able to handle it better if it ever happens again, too. Thank you. I feel much better today and keep reminding myself that I'm just so lucky to have friends to come over last night and watch my kids so my husband could bring me in for the tests. (As opposed to how badly I felt last night putting everyone out and inconveniencing everyone with all my tests...almost as bad as the incidents!! Ugh)

            I will likely go back in so they can test my thyroid today, too. Apparently this can cause Sx like this, too.

            Thanks for reading and for your sweet words and support


            *** Moderator's note - line spacing added to enhance readability. Many members have difficulty with large blocks of text. ***


              I have had heart palpatations for a long time. I had always thought it was my thyroid since ive been on throid meds almost all my life...low throid function.

              While processing for a job, they did a EKG and said it was a good one. Went to my Primary, who did it again got the same results.

              He did an ultrsound and found I have a slight mitral valve proplapse. My palpatations come on at anytime and really make you feel like you are going to pass out.

              I kinda have a double wammy, because low thyroid or even high thyroid can cause palpatations and along with the mitral valve issue its almost inevitable.

              I find when I am really fatigued or stressed I get them a lot.

              I hope you find your answer. When i was first diagnosed with MS I had terrible panic attacks, especially at night. I live alone so I had to call my Mom and she would talk me through it. My attacks have gotten much better and a lot less since I began taking Ativan.

              I wish you the best, and Im sorry you are experiencing such scarey symptoms. I know I really didnt give you any solutions, just my experience.

              Also, once on Thyroid pills if thats the problem, they will help! Try Ativan too. It also helps with my dizziness.

              My heart goes out to you and my prayers


                I have all these symptoms plus fainting when I stand very long. Was diagnosed this year with autonomic dysfunction. put me on beta blocker. has helped somewhat. Don't know answers but my heart goes out to you. Its so hard.


                  Its just me again. Mjan, I would be interested to know what they are doing for your autonomic dysfunction and how you cope.


                    I too am now being tested for autonomic dysfunction. My stomach has stopped working,and my BP and pulse seem to have a mind of their own.

                    I would be interested in knowing how you make out. I am supposed to be scheduled soon for my own round of autonomic tests.

                    Scary stuff! I am prone to anxiety, and I know how to handle that, but just feels different. My BP is normally 100/70 or in that range,but while I was in the hospital it would jump to 150/100 without reason. Then it would drop to 90/60 again,without reason. My resting pulse rate also stays high. strange stuff.

