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Frequency of Evoked Potentials?

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    Frequency of Evoked Potentials?

    Hi! Just wondering of anyone can help with this - I was diagnosed 5+ years ago, very mild case, no major issues. Not on any treatment, doing vitamins/supplements instead.

    Had Evoked potentials done for diagnosis (delays shown then), and new neuro did them 3 months ago with excellent results (well within normal range etc).

    He says that because I am not on any meds, he wants to do the EP tests again next month! Now, I don't mind having a yearly MRI, but I think this is too much. Another full set of EPs every 4 months?

    I haven't had any symptoms with my eyes for over 2 years, so what is his thinking here?

    Any thoughts?
    Diagnosed Arthritis 2003
    Diagnosed RRMS 2007

    IMHO, annually is enough unless changes/problems show up.
    DX 10/2008
    Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
    Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
    Aubagio 01/18-09/20

    Ocrevus 09/20-present


      I've never had it done at all.


        I had the full set done at DX and then the eye one several times afterward because I was having problems with my eyes. Maybe your Dr. is just trying to be cautious and catch any problems before they can get very big?
        What if trials of this life
        Are Your mercies in disguise?
        "Blessings; Laura Story"


          Only had mine done once near diagnosis. Mine is not normal due to ON - damage on right optic nerve.

          My neuro has not mentioned having them done again. I'm guessing that wouldn't happen unless I had a problem in particular.

          You should ask your doctor why he feels the need to do them again -- especially so soon. He may have a valid reason. If he can't give you one, then don't have them done again.


            Thanks, guys!

            I am actually not very happy with this neuro for several reasons other than this one. I feel that he is bullying me into starting meds and trying to find a bad test result to justify himself.

            My last 2 MRI's have been superb with lesions reducing in size and disappearing altogether, my recent EP's were superb and I'm having no symptoms to speak of.

            I asked the dr a couple of months ago if he has any other patients who are NOT on meds. He replied that he used to have some. I asked where they were now and he told me with a smile and a smirk that they had left him and gone elsewhere!

            This was a red flag for me. Perhaps the other patients felt as I do. He makes me feel like a naughty child in the principal's office when I visit him. I don't feel welcome in his office unless I do as he wants.

            This isn't right.
            Diagnosed Arthritis 2003
            Diagnosed RRMS 2007



              He may not agree with your choice not to take meds, but he needs to either tell you he won't treat you unless you do them or treat you regardless, be honest about his concerns, and be respectful. This middle ground bullying isn't OK.

              I hope you can find a neuro who is good to you.


                Sn00py, based on the additional information I agree that it is time to find a new neuro.

                I am curious thought why your neuro is doing the testing? My optho, and now neuro-optho, does all of my eye testing. Only in my initial dx process did the neuro do a basic eye exam.

                I have the full gamut of tests run annually b/c I have damage (from ON) to at least one optic nerve. BUT if you have no sx or changes from 2 yrs ago IMHO annually is more than enough.
                DX 10/2008
                Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
                Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
                Aubagio 01/18-09/20

                Ocrevus 09/20-present


                  I've never had this test done. What does it consist of?
                  Adversity gives you two choices in life: either let it make you bitter, or let it make you better! I choose the latter.



                    The Evoked potential tests measure the electrical activity in your body. The Visual tests measure any delay between what you see and the signal reaching your brain - indicating damage to the optic nerve.

                    The other EP tests I had involved an impulse from the toes up to the brain. This tested spinal cord involvement.

                    Not painful tests, just took a while.
                    Diagnosed Arthritis 2003
                    Diagnosed RRMS 2007


                      Only had this done once and positive for legs but negative for eyes, etc.

                      Eph 3:20-21

